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 ??? Sitem deki Haberleri ..
(25514 okuma, 26 yanıt)
 Free Hosta Php Nuke Kurul..
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 EKLENTİ: Misafire mesajın..
(37174 okuma, 38 yanıt)
 Php Nuke 9.0 Geliyor..
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 Bu başlık için mesaj bulu..
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 Facebook Sohbet Tipi Sohb..
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 Facebook tarzı altbar... ..
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 kaldırmak istediğim bölüm..
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 Resimli RSS..
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 Onay linkini kaldirmak..
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 Yardım :( Site açılırken ..
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 .Htaccess ile uzantıda ke..
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 block genişliği..
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 Haber Resimleri ve Slide ..
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 Foruma büyük boyutlu resi..
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 Php-Nuke 8.0 Paket..
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 ethai1 3..
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 tek modul için sağ ve sol..
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 Php nuke 7.6 - 3.1 patch ..
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 bloğu kayan hale getirmek..
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 PHP-Nuke Haber V.1 Paylas..
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 title değiştirme..
(10384 okuma, 6 yanıt)
 Arkadaşlar bu sorunun çöz..
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 Php Nuke 8.1..
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 PHP-Nuke wTeam - eklentil..
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Netopsiyon Online: Forums
Netopsiyon Online :: Başlık görüntüleniyor - Altforum Yapamayanlar icin Ozel Hazir
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Altforum Yapamayanlar icin Ozel Hazir

Bu forum kilitlendi: mesaj gönderemez, cevap yazamaz ya da başlıkları değiştiremezsiniz   Bu başlık kilitlendi: mesajları değiştiremez ya da cevap yazamazsınız    Netopsiyon Online Forum Ana Sayfa -> Php-Nuke
Önceki başlık :: Sonraki başlık  
Yazar Mesaj
Mesaj: 100+
Mesaj: 100+

Kayıt: Jun 02, 2008
Mesajlar: 106

MesajTarih: 2008-07-02, 14:47:32    Mesaj konusu: Altforum Yapamayanlar icin Ozel Hazir Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Arkadaslar bi sure uzerinde ugrastim yapamadim sonunda yaptim dedim ki sizde rahat yapin
Bu 7.6 surumu icin patchsizdir !

Not : 1 arkadaslar icindeki .htacces soyle yazilmistir 1.htacces o yuzden lutfen .htacces yapin
Not : 2 edit yapmaniz gereken dosyalar : templates/subSilver/admin/forum_edit_body.tpl

## templates/subSilver/admin/forum_admin_body.tpl
## templates/subSilver/posting_body.tpl eger forum teman yoksa
## templates/subSilver/index_body.tpl eger forum teman yoksa
## templates/subSilver/viewforum_body.tpl eger forum teman yoksa
# templates/subSilver/viewtopic_body.tpl eger forum teman yoksa
## themes/SENÝNTHEME/forums/posting_body.tpl eger forum teman varsa
## themes/SENÝNTHEME/forums/index_body.tpl eger forum teman varsa
## themes/SENÝNTHEME/forums/viewforum_body.tpl eger forum teman varsa
## themes/SENÝNTHEME/forums/viewtopic_body.tpl eger forum teman varsa
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php cok basit bunlar
## language/lang_english/lang_admin.php cok basit bunlar
Yukaridaki kodlar pehaspe sitesine aittir !
Yukaridaki editler icin Kodlar Not: Yukaridakilerini edit yapiniz
includes/functions codlari sunlardir


* functions.php
* -------------------
* begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
* copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
* email :
* $Id: functions.php,v 2004/07/17 13:48:31 acydburn Exp $

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
die("Hacking attempt");
/* Sub-forums v.1.0.6 - BA&THORN;LANGIÇ */
function check_unread($forum_id)
global $new_topic_data, $tracking_topics, $tracking_forums, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $board_config;
if ( !empty($new_topic_data[$forum_id]) )
$forum_last_post_time = 0;

while( list($check_topic_id, $check_post_time) = @each($new_topic_data[$forum_id]) )
if ( empty($tracking_topics[$check_topic_id]) )
$unread_topics = true;
$forum_last_post_time = max($check_post_time, $forum_last_post_time);

if ( $tracking_topics[$check_topic_id] <check_post_time> $forum_last_post_time )
$unread_topics = false;

if ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['c o o k i e_name'] . '_f_all']) )
if ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['c o o k i e_name'] . '_f_all'] > $forum_last_post_time )
$unread_topics = false;


return $unread_topics;


/* Sub-forums v.1.0.6 - SON */
function get_db_stat($mode)
global $db;

switch( $mode )
case 'usercount':
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS total
WHERE user_id <ANONYMOUS>sql_query($sql)) )
return false;

$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

switch ( $mode )
case 'usercount':
return $row['total'];
case 'newestuser':
return $row;
case 'postcount':
return $row['post_total'];
case 'topiccount':
return $row['topic_total'];

return false;

// Get Userdata, $user can be username or user_id. If force_str is true, the username will be forced.
function get_userdata($user, $force_str = false)
global $db;

if (intval($user) == 0 || $force_str)
$user = trim(htmlspecialchars($user));
$user = substr(str_replace("\\'", "'", $user), 0, 25);
$user = str_replace("'", "\\'", $user);
$user = intval($user);

$sql = "SELECT *
$sql .= ( ( is_integer($user) ) ? "user_id = $user" : "username = '" . $user . "'" ) . " AND user_id <ANONYMOUS>sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Tried obtaining data for a non-existent user', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

return ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) ? $row : false;

function make_jumpbox($action, $match_forum_id = 0)
global $template, $userdata, $lang, $db, $nav_links, $phpEx, $SID;
/* Sub-forums v.1.0.6 - BA&THORN;LANGIÇ */
global $parent_lookup;
/* Sub-forums v.1.0.6 - SON */
// $is_auth = auth(AUTH_VIEW, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $userdata);

$sql = "SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_title, c.cat_order
WHERE f.cat_id = c.cat_id
GROUP BY c.cat_id, c.cat_title, c.cat_order
ORDER BY c.cat_order";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't obtain category list.", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

$category_rows = array();
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$category_rows[] = $row;

if ( $total_categories = count($category_rows) )
$sql = "SELECT *
ORDER BY cat_id, forum_order";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain forums information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

$boxstring = '<select><option>' . $lang['Select_forum'] . '</option>';

$forum_rows = array();
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$forum_rows[] = $row;

if ( $total_forums = count($forum_rows) )
for($i = 0; $i < $total_categories; $i++)
$boxstring_forums = '';
for($j = 0; $j <total_forums>assign_block_vars('switch_parent_link', array() );

'PARENT_NAME' => $forum_rows[$j]['forum_name'],
'PARENT_URL'=>append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=" . $forum_rows[$j]['forum_id'])
/* Sub-forums v.1.0.6 - SON */
if ( $forum_rows[$j]['cat_id'] == $category_rows[$i]['cat_id'] && $forum_rows[$j]['auth_view'] </option> append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=" . $forum_rows[$j]['forum_id']),
'title' => $forum_rows[$j]['forum_name']


if ( $boxstring_forums != '' )
$boxstring .= '<option>&nbsp;</option>';
$boxstring .= '<option>' . $category_rows[$i]['cat_title'] . '</option>';
$boxstring .= '<option>----------------</option>';
$boxstring .= $boxstring_forums;

$boxstring .= '</select>';
$boxstring .= '<select></select>';

// Let the jumpbox work again in sites having additional session id checks.
// if ( !empty($SID) )
// {
$boxstring .= '<input>';
// }

'jumpbox' => 'jumpbox.tpl')
'L_GO' => $lang['Go'],
'L_JUMP_TO' => $lang['Jump_to'],
'L_SELECT_FORUM' => $lang['Select_forum'],

'S_JUMPBOX_SELECT' => $boxstring,
'S_JUMPBOX_ACTION' => append_sid($action))
$template->assign_var_from_handle('JUMPBOX', 'jumpbox');


// Initialise user settings on page load
function init_userprefs($userdata)
global $board_config, $theme, $images;
global $template, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
global $nav_links;

if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS )
if ( !empty($userdata['user_lang']))
$board_config['default_lang'] = $userdata['user_lang'];

if ( !empty($userdata['user_dateformat']) )
$board_config['default_dateformat'] = $userdata['user_dateformat'];

if ( isset($userdata['user_timezone']) )
$board_config['board_timezone'] = $userdata['user_timezone'];

if ( !file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_main.'.$phpEx)) )
$board_config['default_lang'] = 'english';

include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_main.' . $phpEx);

if ( defined('IN_ADMIN') )
if( !file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_admin.'.$phpEx)) )
$board_config['default_lang'] = 'english';

include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_admin.' . $phpEx);

// Set up style
if ( !$board_config['override_user_style'] )
if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $userdata['user_style'] > 0 )
if ( $theme = setup_style($userdata['user_style']) )

$theme = setup_style($board_config['default_style']);

// Mozilla navigation bar
// Default items that should be valid on all pages.
// Defined here to correctly assign the Language Variables
// and be able to change the variables within code.
$nav_links['top'] = array (
'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'index.' . $phpEx),
'title' => sprintf($lang['Forum_Index'], $board_config['sitename'])
$nav_links['search'] = array (
'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'search.' . $phpEx),
'title' => $lang['Search']
$nav_links['help'] = array (
'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'faq.' . $phpEx),
'title' => $lang['FAQ']
$nav_links['author'] = array (
'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'memberlist.' . $phpEx),
'title' => $lang['Memberlist']


function setup_style($style)
global $db, $board_config, $template, $images, $phpbb_root_path;
if($name == "Forums"){
c o o k i edecode($user);
$info=sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_bbconfig where config_name='default_style'", $dbi);
if($c o o k i e[1] == "" AND $style != "$default_style") {
$style = "$default_style";

$sql = "SELECT *
WHERE themes_id = '$style'";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Could not query database for theme info');

if ( !($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Could not get theme data for themes_id [$style]");

$ThemeSel = get_theme();
if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/forums/index_body.tpl")) {
$template_path = "themes/$ThemeSel/";
$template_name = "forums";
$template = new Template($template_path . $template_name, $board_config, $db);
} else {
$template_path = 'templates/' ;
$template_name = $row['template_name'] ;
$template = new Template($phpbb_root_path . $template_path . $template_name, $board_config, $db);

if ( $template )
$current_template_path = $template_path . $template_name;
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/$template_name/index_body.tpl")) {
@include($template_path . $template_name . '/' . $template_name . '.cfg');
} else {
@include($phpbb_root_path . $template_path . $template_name . '/' . $template_name . '.cfg');
if ( !defined('TEMPLATE_CONFIG') )
message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Could not open $template_name template config file", '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

$img_lang = ( file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . $current_template_path . '/images/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'])) ) ? $board_config['default_lang'] : 'english';

while( list($key, $value) = @each($images) )
if ( !is_array($value) )
$images[$key] = str_replace('{LANG}', 'lang_' . $img_lang, $value);

return $row;

function encode_ip($dotquad_ip)
$ip_sep = explode('.', $dotquad_ip);
return sprintf('%02x%02x%02x%02x', $ip_sep[0], $ip_sep[1], $ip_sep[2], $ip_sep[3]);

function decode_ip($int_ip)
$hexipbang = explode('.', chunk_split($int_ip, 2, '.'));
return hexdec($hexipbang[0]). '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[1]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[2]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[3]);

// Create date/time from format and timezone
function create_date($format, $gmepoch, $tz)
global $board_config, $lang;
static $translate;

if ( empty($translate) && $board_config['default_lang'] != 'english' )
while ( list($match, $replace) = @each($lang['datetime']) )
$translate[$match] = $replace;

return ( !empty($translate) ) ? strtr(@gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz)), $translate) : @gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));

// Pagination routine, generates
// page number sequence
function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add_prevnext_text = TRUE)
global $lang;

$total_pages = ceil($num_items/$per_page);

if ( $total_pages == 1 )
return '';

$on_page = floor($start_item / $per_page) + 1;

$page_string = '';
if ( $total_pages > 10 )
$init_page_max = ( $total_pages > 3 ) ? 3 : $total_pages;

for($i = 1; $i < $init_page_max + 1; $i++)
$page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . " start=" . ( ( $i - 1 &#41; * $per_page &#41; &#41; . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ( $i <init_page_max> 3 )
if ( $on_page > 1 && $on_page <total_pages> 5 ) ? ' ... ' : ', ';

$init_page_min = ( $on_page > 4 ) ? $on_page : 5;
$init_page_max = ( $on_page < $total_pages - 4 ) ? $on_page : $total_pages - 4;

for($i = $init_page_min - 1; $i < $init_page_max + 2; $i++)
$page_string .= ($i == $on_page) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . " start=" . ( ( $i - 1 &#41; * $per_page &#41; &#41; . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ( $i < $init_page_max + 1 )
$page_string .= ', ';

$page_string .= ( $on_page < $total_pages - 4 ) ? ' ... ' : ', ';
$page_string .= ' ... ';

for($i = $total_pages - 2; $i < $total_pages + 1; $i++)
$page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . " start=" . ( ( $i - 1 &#41; * $per_page &#41; &#41; . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if( $i < $total_pages )
$page_string .= ", ";
for($i = 1; $i < $total_pages + 1; $i++)
$page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . " start=" . ( ( $i - 1 &#41; * $per_page &#41; &#41; . '">' . $i . '</a>';
if ( $i <total_pages> 1 )
$page_string = ' <a href="' . append_sid($base_url . " start=" . ( ( $on_page - 2 &#41; * $per_page &#41; &#41; . '">' . $lang['Previous'] . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $page_string;

if ( $on_page < $total_pages )
$page_string .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . " start=" . ( $on_page * $per_page &#41; &#41; . '">' . $lang['Next'] . '</a>';


$page_string = $lang['Goto_page'] . ' ' . $page_string;

return $page_string;

// This does exactly what preg_quote() does in PHP 4-ish
// If you just need the 1-parameter preg_quote call, then don't bother using this.
function phpbb_preg_quote($str, $delimiter)
$text = preg_quote($str);
$text = str_replace($delimiter, '\\' . $delimiter, $text);

return $text;

// Obtain list of naughty words and build preg style replacement arrays for use by the
// calling script, note that the vars are passed as references this just makes it easier
// to return both sets of arrays
function obtain_word_list(&$orig_word, &$replacement_word)
global $db;

// Define censored word matches
$sql = "SELECT word, replacement
if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not get censored words from database', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$orig_word[] = '#\b(' . str_replace('\*', '\w*?', phpbb_preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')\b#i';
$replacement_word[] = $row['replacement'];
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) );

return true;

// This is general replacement for die(), allows templated
// output in users (or default) language, etc.
// $msg_code can be one of these constants:
// GENERAL_MESSAGE : Use for any simple text message, eg. results
// of an operation, authorisation failures, etc.
// GENERAL ERROR : Use for any error which occurs _AFTER_ the
// common.php include and session code, ie. most errors in
// pages/functions
// CRITICAL_MESSAGE : Used when basic config data is available but
// a session may not exist, eg. banned users
// CRITICAL_ERROR : Used when config data cannot be obtained, eg
// no database connection. Should _not_ be used in 99.5% of cases
function message_die($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = '')
global $db, $template, $board_config, $theme, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $nav_links, $gen_simple_header, $images;
global $userdata, $user_ip, $session_length;
global $starttime;

die("message_die() was called multiple times. This isn't supposed to happen. Was message_die() used in page_tail.php?");

define(HAS_DIED, 1);

$sql_store = $sql;

// Get SQL error if we are debugging. Do this as soon as possible to prevent
// subsequent queries from overwriting the status of sql_error()
if ( DEBUG && ( $msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR || $msg_code == CRITICAL_ERROR ) )
$sql_error = $db->sql_error();

$debug_text = '';

if ( $sql_error['message'] != '' )
$debug_text .= '<br><br>SQL Error : ' . $sql_error['code'] . ' ' . $sql_error['message'];

if ( $sql_store != '' )
$debug_text .= "<br><br>$sql_store";

if ( $err_line != '' && $err_file != '' )
$debug_text .= '</br><br>Line : ' . $err_line . '<br>File : ' . $err_file;

if( empty($userdata) && ( $msg_code == GENERAL_MESSAGE || $msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR ) )
$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX, $nukeuser);

// If the header hasn't been output then do it
if ( !defined('HEADER_INC') && $msg_code != CRITICAL_ERROR )
if ( empty($lang) )
if ( !empty($board_config['default_lang']) )
include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_main.'.$phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_english/lang_main.'.$phpEx);

if ( empty($template) )
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/forums/".$board_config['board_template']."/index_body.tpl")) {
$template = new Template("themes/$ThemeSel/forums/".$board_config['board_template']."");
} else {
$template = new Template($phpbb_root_path . 'templates/' . $board_config['board_template']);
if ( empty($theme) )
$theme = setup_style($board_config['default_style']);

// Load the Page Header
if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') )
include($phpbb_root_path . 'admin/page_header_admin.'.$phpEx);

if ( $msg_title == '' )
$msg_title = $lang['Information'];

if ( $msg_title == '' )
$msg_title = $lang['Critical_Information'];

if ( $msg_text == '' )
$msg_text = $lang['An_error_occured'];

if ( $msg_title == '' )
$msg_title = $lang['General_Error'];

// Critical errors mean we cannot rely on _ANY_ DB information being
// available so we're going to dump out a simple echo'd statement
include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_english/lang_main.'.$phpEx);

if ( $msg_text == '' )
$msg_text = $lang['A_critical_error'];

if ( $msg_title == '' )
$msg_title = 'phpBB : <b>' . $lang['Critical_Error'] . '</b>';

// Add on DEBUG info if we've enabled debug mode and this is an error. This
// prevents debug info being output for general messages should DEBUG be
// set TRUE by accident (preventing confusion for the end user!)
if ( DEBUG && ( $msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR || $msg_code == CRITICAL_ERROR ) )
if ( $debug_text != '' )
$msg_text = $msg_text . '<br><br><b><u>DEBUG MODE</u></b>' . $debug_text;

if ( $msg_code != CRITICAL_ERROR )
if ( !empty($lang[$msg_text]) )
$msg_text = $lang[$msg_text];

if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') )
'message_body' => 'message_body.tpl')
'message_body' => 'admin/admin_message_body.tpl')

'MESSAGE_TITLE' => $msg_title,
'MESSAGE_TEXT' => $msg_text)

if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') )
include($phpbb_root_path . 'admin/page_footer_admin.'.$phpEx);
echo "<html>\n<body>\n" . $msg_title . "\n<br><br>\n" . $msg_text . "</body>\n</html>";


// This function is for compatibility with PHP 4.x's realpath()
// function. In later versions of PHP, it needs to be called
// to do checks with some functions. Older versions of PHP don't
// seem to need this, so we'll just return the original value.
// dougk_ff7 <October>
function phpbb_realpath($path)
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

return (!@function_exists('realpath') || !@realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions.'.$phpEx)) ? $path : @realpath($path);

function redirect($url)
global $db, $board_config;

if (!empty($db))

if (strstr(urldecode($url), "\n") || strstr(urldecode($url), "\r"))
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Tried to redirect to potentially insecure url.');

$server_protocol = ($board_config['c o o k i e_secure']) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$server_name = preg_replace('#^\/?(.*?)\/?$#', '\1', trim($board_config['server_name']));
$server_port = ($board_config['server_port'] </title>sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Error doing DB query userdata row fetch : session_pagestar');
$logindata = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if( $nuid != $logindata['session_user_id'] ) {
$nusername = $c o o k i e[1];
$sql = "SELECT user_id, username, user_password, user_active, user_level
WHERE username = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $nusername) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
if(!$result) {
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Error in obtaining userdata : login", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$rowresult = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$password = $c o o k i e[2];
if(count($rowresult) ) {
if( $rowresult['user_level'] != ADMIN && $board_config['board_disable'] ) {
header("Location: " . append_sid("index.php", true));
} else {
if( $password == $rowresult['user_password'] && $rowresult['user_active'] ) {
$autologin = 0;
$userdata = session_begin($rowresult['user_id'], $user_ip, PAGE_INDEX, $session_length, FALSE, $autologin);
$session_id = $userdata['session_id'];
if(!$session_id ) {
message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Couldn't start session : login", "", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} else {
} else {
$message = $lang['Error_login'] . "<br><br>" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_login'], "<a href="">", "</a> ") . "<br><br>" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'], "<a href="">", "</a> ");
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
} else {
$message = $lang['Error_login'] . "<br><br>" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_login'], "<a href="">", "</a> ") . "<br><br>" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'], "<a href="">", "</a> ");
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
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