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Netopsiyon Online: Forums
Netopsiyon Online :: Başlık görüntüleniyor - Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl?
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Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl?

Bu forum kilitlendi: mesaj gönderemez, cevap yazamaz ya da başlıkları değiştiremezsiniz   Bu başlık kilitlendi: mesajları değiştiremez ya da cevap yazamazsınız    Netopsiyon Online Forum Ana Sayfa -> Php-Nuke -> Php Nuke Modülleri
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Yazar Mesaj
Mesaj: 100+
Mesaj: 100+

Kayıt: Jul 20, 2003
Mesajlar: 181

MesajTarih: 2008-03-04, 01:58:58    Mesaj konusu: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Youtube modülünde ayarlardan anonim kullanıcılar yorum yapmasını kapatmama ragmen "Misafir" adı altında spam mesajlar geliyor..
Bunu nasıl çözebiliriz?
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Bu Site Google Adsense ile Gelir Elde Ediyor

Tarih: 2024-09-28, 20:46:21    Mesaj konusu: Forum Arası Reklamlar

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Mesaj: 1000+
Mesaj: 1000+

Kayıt: Oct 07, 2006
Mesajlar: 1856
Konum: Dünya'nın Bi Yerinden

MesajTarih: 2008-03-04, 02:04:48    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Admin Panelinizden Seçenekler bölümünde aşagı doğru bakarsanız yorumları misafirler ve kayıtlı kullanıcılar yorum yazsın yada yazmasın seçeği var oradan ayarlayabilirsin...
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Site Yöneticisi
Site Yöneticisi

Kayıt: Nov 01, 2006
Mesajlar: 2412
Konum: izmirimi özledim

MesajTarih: 2008-03-04, 02:07:01    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

bu modülü hiç kullanmadım bilmiyorum..başka böyle bir sorunla karşılaşan varsa kodlar ile çözebiliriz yoksa admin panelinden çözülüyordur belki
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Mesaj: 50+
Mesaj: 50+

Kayıt: Feb 29, 2008
Mesajlar: 79

MesajTarih: 2008-03-04, 02:52:07    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Modül dosyalarından index.php isimli dosyayı herhangi bir metin editörü ile aç.

function postcomment($id) diye bir fonksiyon var onu bul.

Bu fonksiyon şu şekildedir:

function postcomment($id)
    global $user, $AllowableHTML, $anonymous, $module_name, $module_url, $io_db, $allow_anonymous;
        echo "<form action=$module_url method=post>";
      if ($allow_anonymous == 1) {
           echo "<input type=checkbox name=xanonpost> "._POSTANON."<br><br>";
       echo "<input type=hidden name=id value=$id>"
          ."<b>"._SELECTSCORE."</b> : "
          ."<select name=\"score\">";
      for ($i = 10;$i > 0;$i--) {
          echo "<option name=score value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n";
        echo "</select><br><br>"
          ."<textarea name=comments rows=10 cols=70></textarea><br>"

       while (list($key,)= each($AllowableHTML)) echo " &lt;".$key."&gt;";
    echo "<br><br>"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"savecomment\">"
       ."<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._IO_SUBMIT."\">"

Bunu aşağıdaki kodlarla değiştir:

function postcomment($id)
    global $user, $AllowableHTML, $anonymous, $module_name, $module_url, $io_db, $allow_anonymous;
   if (!is_user($user) AND !is_admin($admin) AND $allow_anonymous == 0) {
      $pagetitle = "- "._ACCESSDENIED;
      title($sitename.": "._ACCESSDENIED);
      echo "<center><strong>"._RESTRICTEDAREA."</strong><br><br>"._MODULEUSERS;
      echo _GOBACK;
   else {
        echo "<form action=$module_url method=post>";
      if ($allow_anonymous == 1) {
           echo "<input type=checkbox name=xanonpost> "._POSTANON."<br><br>";
       echo "<input type=hidden name=id value=$id>"
          ."<b>"._SELECTSCORE."</b> : "
          ."<select name=\"score\">";
      for ($i = 10;$i > 0;$i--) {
          echo "<option name=score value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n";
        echo "</select><br><br>"
          ."<textarea name=comments rows=10 cols=70></textarea><br>"

       while (list($key,)= each($AllowableHTML)) echo " &lt;".$key."&gt;";
    echo "<br><br>"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"savecomment\">"
       ."<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._IO_SUBMIT."\">"
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Mesaj: 500+
Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 09:28:37    Mesaj konusu: Re: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

tesekkurler dostum peki bu yorum ekleyi yasakladi peki url eklemeyi video onermeyi nasil engelleriz?
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Mesaj: 50+
Mesaj: 50+

Kayıt: Feb 29, 2008
Mesajlar: 79

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 09:42:03    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Onu da ayarlayayım.

Ya da daha kolayı benim modüle terfi et ;)
(mevcut modülü ve veritabanındaki verileri silmeden yükleyebilirsin, veritabanına SQL dosyası yüklemeye gerek kalmaz, eski veritabanı bilgilerini kullanır)
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Mesaj: 500+
Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 15:14:53    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

tesekkurler dostum peki eski modulde sadece link eklemeyi yasakamak icin nereyi editlemem gerekir?
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Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder
Mesaj: 50+
Mesaj: 50+

Kayıt: Feb 29, 2008
Mesajlar: 79

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 16:52:59    Mesaj konusu: Re: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Aynı dosyada


function write_text() {
   global $admin, $user, $c o o k i e, $user_prefix, $currentlang, $module_name, $module_url, $io_db;
      echo "<center>";
      if (is_admin($admin)) {
         echo ""._IO_WRITE_TEXT_ADMIN."";
       echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$module_url\">";
      echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpaddign=\"4\" align=\"center\">"
          ."<tr><td><b>"._IO_TITLE.":</b></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\">&nbsp;&nbsp;("._IO_REQUIRED.")</td></tr><br>";
      echo "<tr><td><b>"._IO_TEXT22.":</b></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"255\">&nbsp;&nbsp;(Örnek :</td></tr><br>"
          . "</td></tr>";
       echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"send_text\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._IO_SEND."\"> <input type=\"button\" onClick=\"history.go(-1)\" value=\""._IO_CLEAR."\"></td></tr></form>";
      echo "</table></center>";


function write_text() {
   global $admin, $user, $c o o k i e, $user_prefix, $currentlang, $module_name, $module_url, $vdo_db;
    if (!is_user($user) AND !is_admin($admin)) {
      $pagetitle = "- "._ACCESSDENIED;
      title($sitename.": "._ACCESSDENIED);
      echo "<center><strong>"._RESTRICTEDAREA."</strong><br><br>"._MODULEUSERS;
      echo _GOBACK;
else {
      echo "<center>";
      if (is_admin($admin)) {
         echo ""._IO_WRITE_TEXT_ADMIN."";
       echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$module_url\">";
      echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpaddign=\"4\" align=\"center\">"
          ."<tr><td><b>"._IO_TITLE.":</b></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\">&nbsp;&nbsp;("._IO_REQUIRED.")</td></tr><br>";
      echo "<tr><td><b>"._IO_TEXT22.":</b></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"255\">&nbsp;&nbsp;(Örnek :</td></tr><br>"
          . "</td></tr>";
       echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"send_text\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._IO_SEND."\"> <input type=\"button\" onClick=\"history.go(-1)\" value=\""._IO_CLEAR."\"></td></tr></form>";
      echo "</table></center>";
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Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et
Bu Site Google Adsense ile Gelir Elde Ediyor

Tarih: 2024-09-28, 20:46:21    Mesaj konusu: Forum Arası Reklamlar

Başa dön
Mesaj: 500+
Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 17:12:40    Mesaj konusu: Re: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

hocam cok tesekkurler ya buda halloldu.nukec için yardımci olabilirmisiniz? onada link ekleme icin engel koyabilirmiyiz.?

global $prefix;
# Nuke-C : Advanced Classifieds Addon For PHP-Nuke
# ===============================================
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Sudirman (
# This module is the main file of NukeC Module

/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System                                          */
/* ===========================                                          */
/*                                                                             */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */

if (!eregi("modules.php", $_SERVER['script_NAME'])) {
    die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
include ("modules/".$module_name."/functions.php");
$pagetitle = "- ". $ModuleTitle;

$index = 0;

function Index() {
        global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$module_name,$multilingual,$currentlang,$MemberRequired,$PerPage,$UseImgCatg;
        $NowUnixTime = GetUnixTimeNow();

        echo "<BR>";

    echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._NUKECADSMAINCAT."</b></font></center><br>";
        $sql = "select id_catg,catg,catg_desc,image from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where parentid=0 ";
        $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();
        $sql .= "and".$applylanguage."order by catg";

        $resultcatg = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
        echo "<table align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\"><tr>";
        while (list($id_catg,$catg,$cdesc,$imagecatg) = sql_fetch_row($resultcatg,$dbi)) {
                $i = 0;
                if ($count == 2) {
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    $count = 0;
                $listchild = "";
                echo "<td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\">";
                echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">";
                echo "<TR><TD width=\"10\" valign=\"top\">";
                if ($UseImgCatg) {
                        if ($imagecatg == "") {
                                $imagecatgsrc= "noimage.gif";
                        } else {
                                $imagecatgsrc = $imagecatg;
                        $imgdimension = @getimagesize("modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imagecatgsrc);
                        if ($imgdimension) {
                                $imgcatgwidth = $imgdimension[0];
                                $imgcatgheight = $imgdimension[1];
                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$id_catg."\" >";
                        echo "<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imagecatgsrc."\" width=\"".$imgcatgwidth."\" height=\"".$imgcatgheight."\" alt=\"".$catg."\" border=\"0\"></a>";
                        echo "</a>";
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<TD>";
                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$id_catg."\"><b>".$catg."";
                echo " (";
                $listchild = getchildcategories($id_catg);
                $listchild = $id_catg."_".$listchild;
                echo countads_incategory($listchild);
                echo ")";
                echo "</b></a>";
                if ($cdesc != "") {
                        echo "<BR>".$cdesc;
                echo "<BR>";
                echo "";
                $sql = "select id_catg,catg from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where parentid='".$id_catg."' order by id_catg";
                $resultsub = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
                $jmlsub = sql_num_rows($resultsub);
                $sql .= " limit 0,10";
                $resultsublimit = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
                $jmlsublimit = sql_num_rows($resultsublimit,$dbi);
                $i = 0;
                $bts = 3;
                while (list($id_catg2,$catg2) = sql_fetch_row($resultsublimit,$dbi)) {
                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$id_catg2."\" >";
                        echo $catg2." ";
                        echo " (";
                        $listchild2 = "";
                        $listchild2 = getchildcategories($id_catg2);
                        $listchild2 = "$id_catg2"."_".$listchild2;
                        echo countads_incategory($listchild2);
                        echo ")";
                        echo "</a> ";
                        if ($i != $jmlsublimit){
                                echo ", ";
                if ($jmlsub > 10) {
                        echo ", <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$id_catg."\">"._NUKECMORE."</a>";
                echo "</td></tr></table>";
            echo "</td>\n";
        /* Thanks to John Hoffmann from for the next 5 lines ;) */
                if ($count == 2) {
                            echo "</tr>\n";
            if ($count == 2) {
                        echo "</table>\n";
                    } else {
                        echo "</tr></table>\n";
        $sql = "select * from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where";
        $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();
        $sql .= $applylanguage."and ";

        $sql .= " validuntil > '".$NowUnixTime."' and active='1'";
        $result = sql_query($sql, $dbi);
        $numrows = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi);

        $sql = "select * from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where";
        $sql .= $applylanguage;
        $result = sql_query($sql, $dbi);
    $catnum = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi);

    echo "<BR><center><font class=\"content\">"._NUKECTHEREARE." <b>".$numrows."</b> "._NUKECADS." "._NUKECAND." <b>".$catnum."</b> "._NUKECCATEGORIES." "._NUKECINDB."</font></center>";
        echo "<BR>";

        $sql = "select id_ads,id_catg,title,ads_desc,imageads,curr,price,submitter,email,website,dateposted,hits from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where";
        $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();

        $sql .= $applylanguage." and (validuntil > '".$NowUnixTime."') and active = '1' ";
        $sql .= "order by dateposted DESC limit 0,".$PerPage."";

        $res = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
        if (!$res) {
        $jml = sql_num_rows($res);
        if ($jml > 0) {
                echo _NUKECTHEREARE;
                if ($jml >= $PerPage) {
                        echo "<b> ".$PerPage." </b>";
                } else {
                        echo "<b> ".$jml." </b>";
                echo _NUKECLASTPOSTED."<BR><BR>";
                while (list($id_ads,$id_catg,$title,$ads_desc,$imageads,$curr,$price,$submitter,$email,$website,$dateposted,$hits) = sql_fetch_row($res,$dbi)) {

                        echo "<BR>";
        } else {
                echo "<CENTER>"._NUKECNOADS."</center>";

function ViewDetail($id_ads) {
        global $c o o k i e,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$module_name,$AdsComment, $AnonyComment,$user,$anonymous,$admin;
        global $Date_Format_code;
        echo "<BR>";
        $NowUnixTime = GetUnixTimeNow();

        $sql = "select id_catg,title,ads_desc,imageads,curr,price,submitter,email,website,dateposted,validuntil,hits,active from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where id_ads='".$id_ads."'";
        $res = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
        list($id_catg,$title,$ads_desc,$imageads,$curr,$price,$email,$submitter,$website,$dateposted,$validuntil,$hits, $adsstatus) = sql_fetch_row($res,$dbi);
        if (($adsstatus == 1) or (is_admin($admin))) {

        if ($NowUnixTime > $validuntil) { /* Expired */
                echo "<CENTER><FONT class=\"title\">"._NUKECADSEXPIRED1."</font><BR><BR>";
                echo _NUKECADSEXPIRED2." ".FormatDateAds($validuntil,$Date_Format_code);
                echo "<BR><BR><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."\">"._NUKECBACK."</a>";
                echo "</center>";
        } else {

        sql_query("update ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads set hits=hits+1 where id_ads='".$id_ads."'",$dbi);

        if ($id_catg != "") {
                echo "<CENTER>".pathcatg($id_catg)."</center>";
                echo "<BR>\n";
        echo "<center><font class=\"title\">"._NUKECADSDETAIL."</font></center><BR>\n";

        if ($AdsComment or (is_admin($admin))) {
        echo "<BR>";
        if (is_user($user) || ($AnonyComment == 1)) {
                if (is_user($user)) {
                        $by = $c o o k i e[0];
                } else {
                        $by = 1;
                echo "<CENTER><b>.:: "._NUKECPOSTCOMMENT." ::.</b></center><BR>";
                echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n"
                        ."<form action=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&amp;op=SubmitComment\" method=\"post\">"
                        ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"xid_ads\" value=\"".$id_ads."\">\n"
                        ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"commentby\" value=\"".$by."\">\n"
                        ."<TR><TD width=\"25%\"><b>"._NUKECYOURNAME."</b></td><TD width=\"5\">:</td>\n"
                if (is_user($user)) {
                    c o o k i edecode($user);
                    echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">".$c o o k i e[1]."</a> <font class=\"content\">[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=logout\">"._LOGOUT."</a> ]</font>";
                } else {
                           echo "<font class=\"content\">".$anonymous."";
                    echo " [ <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">"._NUKECNEWUSER."</a> ]";
                echo "</td></tr>\n"
                        ."<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECCOMMENTSUBJECT."</b></td><TD width=\"5\">:</td>\n"
                        ."<TD><input type=\"text\" name=\"commsubject\" size=\"35\"></td></tr>"
                        ."<TR><TD valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECCOMMENTSDESC."</b></td><TD width=\"5\" valign=\"top\">:</td>\n"
                        ."<TD><textarea name=\"commentdesc\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\"></textarea></td></tr>"
                        ."<TR><TD colspan=\"3\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._NUKECSUBMITCOMM."\"></td></tr>"
        } else {
                echo "<center>"._NUKECCOMMENTNOTALLOWED."</center>";

        } else {
           echo "<CENTER>"._NUKEC_ADS_NOT_ACTIVEYET."</CENTER>";

function SubmitComment($xid_ads,$commentby,$commsubject,$commentdesc) {
        global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$module_name;
        if (($commsubject == "") || ($commentdesc == "")) {
                include ("header.php");
                echo "<BR>";
                echo "<CENTER><font class=\"title\">"._NUKECPOSTCOMMENTERROR."</font>";

                echo "<BR><BR>"._NUKECCOMMENTALERT;
                echo "<BR><BR><a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:history.go(-1);\">"._NUKECGOBACK."</a>";
                echo "</center>";
                include ("footer.php");
        } else {
                global $REMOTE_ADDR;
                $commsubject = FixQuotes(filter_text($commsubject, "nohtml"));
                $commentdesc = FixQuotes(nl2br(filter_text($commentdesc)));
                $sqlinsert = sql_query("insert into ".$nukecprefix."_ads_comments values(NULL,'".$xid_ads."','".$commentby."','".$commsubject."','".$commentdesc."','".$REMOTE_ADDR."',NOW())",$dbi);

function ViewCatg() {
        global $UseImgCatg,$page,$id_catg,$days,$module_name,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$currentlang,$PerPage,$multilingual;
        include ("header.php");
        echo "<BR>";
        $NowUnixTime = GetUnixTimeNow();

        if (!isset($page) || ($page == "")) {
                $page = 1;
        echo "<center>";
        if ($id_catg != "") {
                echo pathcatg($id_catg);
                echo "<BR>\n";
                $resultdesccatg = sql_query("select catg_desc from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$id_catg."'",$dbi);
                list ($catg_desc) = sql_fetch_row($resultdesccatg,$dbi);
                if ($catg_desc != "") {
                        echo $catg_desc;
                        echo "<BR>";
        } else {
                $id_catg = 0;

        $resultsubcatg = sql_query("select id_catg,catg,image from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where parentid='".$id_catg."'",$dbi);
        $jmlcatg =sql_num_rows($resultsubcatg,$dbi);
        $i = 0;
        if ($jmlcatg > 0) {
        if (!$UseImgCatg) {
        echo "[ ";
        } else {
                echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"2\"><TR>\n";
        while (list($id_catgsub,$catgsub,$imagecatg) = sql_fetch_row($resultsubcatg,$dbi)) {
                if ($UseImgCatg) {
                        if ($imagecatg == "") {
                                $imgcatgsrc = "noimage.gif";
                        } else {
                                $imgcatgsrc = $imagecatg;

                        if (!file_exists("modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imgcatgsrc)) {
                                $imgcatgsrc = "noimage.gif";
                        $imgdimension = @getimagesize("modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imgcatgsrc."");
                        if ($imgdimension) {
                                $imgcatgwidth = $imgdimension[0];
                                $imgcatgheight = $imgdimension[1];
                        if ($count == 8) {
                            echo "<tr>\n";
                            $count = 0;
                        echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">\n"
                            ."<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$id_catgsub."\">\n"
                                ."<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imgcatgsrc."\" width=\"".$imgcatgwidth."\" height=\"".$imgcatgheight."\" alt=\"".$catgsub."\" border=\"0\"></a><br>\n"
                            ."<font class=\"content\"><b>".$catgsub."</b></font>\n"
                        if ($count == 8) {
                            echo "</tr>\n";
                } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$id_catgsub."\"  class=\"redlink\"><b>".$catgsub."</b></a> ";
                        if ($i != $jmlcatg) {
                                echo " | ";
        if (!$UseImgCatg) {
                echo " ]";
        } else {
                if ($count == 8) {
                        echo "</table>\n";
            } else {
                        echo "</tr></table>\n";
        echo "</center>";
        echo "<br>";
        $headermsg = "<CENTEr><font class=\"title\">";
        $headermsg .= " "._NUKECADSINCATG." <b>".getcategoryname($id_catg)."</b>";
        $headermsg .= "</font></CENTEr><br>";
        echo $headermsg;
        $sqltotal = "select id_ads,id_catg,title,ads_desc,imageads,curr,price,submitter,email,website,dateposted,validuntil,hits from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where";
        if ($id_catg != "") {
                $categorystring = getchildcategories($id_catg);
                $categoryarray = explode("_",$categorystring);
                if (sizeof($categoryarray) - 1 > 0) {
                        $sqltotal .= " (";
                for ($i = 0;$i<=sizeof($categoryarray)-2;$i++) {
                        $sqltotal .= " id_catg = '".$categoryarray[$i]."' ";
                        if ($i != sizeof($categoryarray)-2) {
                                $sqltotal .= " or ";
                if (sizeof($categoryarray) - 1 > 0) {
                        $sqltotal .= " or id_catg='".$id_catg."') and ";
                } else {
                        $sqltotal .= " id_catg='".$id_catg."' and ";

        $sqltotal .= " validuntil > '".$NowUnixTime."' and";

        $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();
        $sqltotal .= $applylanguage."and";

        $sqltotal .= " active = 1 order by dateposted DESC";

        $start = ($page-1)*$PerPage;
        $sqliklan = $sqltotal." limit ".$start.",".$PerPage;
        $resulttotaliklan = sql_query($sqltotal,$dbi);
        $totaliklan = sql_num_rows($resulttotaliklan,$dbi);
        $jmlhalaman = ceil($totaliklan/$PerPage);
        $resultiklan = sql_query($sqliklan,$dbi);
        if ($jmlhalaman > 1) {
        echo "<center>[ ";
        if ($page > 1) {
                $previouspage =$page-1;

                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg";
                if ($id_catg != "") {
                        echo "&id_catg=".$id_catg."";
                if ($days != "") {
                        echo "&days=".$days;
                echo "&page=".$previouspage."\"  CLASS=\"redlink\">"._NUKECPREVIOUS."</a> | ";
        for ($hlm = 1;$hlm <= $jmlhalaman;$hlm++) {
                if ($hlm == $page) {
                        echo "<b>".$hlm."</b>";
                } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg";
                        if ($id_catg  != "") {
                                echo "&id_catg=".$id_catg."";
                        if ($days != "") {
                                echo "&days=".$days;
                        echo "&page=".$hlm."\"  CLASS=\"redlink\">".$hlm."</a> ";
                if ($hlm != $jmlhalaman) {
                        echo " | ";

        if ($page+1 <= $jmlhalaman) {
                $nextpage = $page +1;
                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg";
                if ($id_catg != "") {
                        echo "&id_catg=".$id_catg."";
                if ($days != "") {
                        echo "&days=".$days;
                echo "&page=".$nextpage."\" CLASS=\"redlink\">"._NUKECNEXT."</a>";

        echo " ]<BR>";

        echo "</center>";
        $catgname = getcategoryname($id_catg);
        if ($totaliklan == 0) {
                echo "<center>"._NUKECNOADSIN." ";
                if ($id_catg != "") echo _NUKECINCATG." ".$catgname."</center>";
        } else {
                echo "<BR>";
                $listchild = "";
                $listchild = getchildcategories($id_catg);
                $listchild = $id_catg."_".$listchild;
                $jmladsin = countads_incategory($listchild);
                $pre = (($page-1) * $PerPage) + 1;
                if ($pre < 0) {
                        $pre = 1;
                $suf = ($pre-1) + $PerPage;
                if ($suf >= $totaliklan) {
                        $suf = $totaliklan;
                echo _NUKECVIEWING." <b>".$pre."</b> - <b>".$suf."</b> (<b>".$totaliklan."</b> "._NUKECTOTAL.") "._NUKECADSINCATG." <b>".$catgname."</b><BR><BR>";
                while (list($xid_ads,$xid_catg,$xtitle,$xads_desc,$ximageads,$xcurr,$xprice,$xsubmitter,$xemail,$xwebsite,$xdateposted,$xvaliduntil,$xhits) = sql_fetch_row($resultiklan,$dbi)) {
                        themeads ($xid_ads,$xid_catg,$xtitle,$xads_desc,$ximageads,$xcurr,$xprice,$xsubmitter,$xemail,$xwebsite,$xdateposted,$xhits);
                        echo "<BR>";

        if ($jmlhalaman > 1) {
        echo "<center>[ ";
        if ($page > 1) {
                $previouspage =$page-1;

                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg";
                if ($id_catg != "") {
                        echo "&id_catg=".$id_catg."";
                if ($days != "") {
                        echo "&days=".$days;
                echo "&page=".$previouspage."\">"._NUKECPREVIOUS."</a> | ";
        for ($hlm = 1;$hlm <= $jmlhalaman;$hlm++) {
                if ($hlm == $page) {
                        echo "<b>".$hlm."</b>";
                } else {
                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg";
                        if ($id_catg  != "") {
                                echo "&id_catg=".$id_catg."";
                        if ($days != "") {
                                echo "&days=".$days;
                        echo "&page=".$hlm."\"  CLASS=\"redlink\">".$hlm."</a> ";
                if ($hlm != $jmlhalaman) {
                        echo " | ";

        if ($page+1 <= $jmlhalaman) {
                $nextpage = $page +1;
                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg";
                if ($id_catg != "") {
                        echo "&id_catg=".$id_catg."";
                if ($days != "") {
                        echo "&days=".$days;
                echo "&page=".$nextpage."\"  CLASS=\"redlink\">"._NUKECNEXT."</a>";
        echo " ]<BR>";
        echo "</center>";
        include ("footer.php");

function viewads($days) {
        global $page,$id_catg,$module_name,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$currentlang,$PerPage,$multilingual;
        echo "<BR>";
        if ((!$days) or ($days == "")) {
                $days = 1;

        $nowdate = date("Y-m-d");

        $datetemp = date("H i s m d Y");
        $datearray = explode(" ",$datetemp);
        $HourtoFormat = $datearray[0];
        $MinutetoFormat = $datearray[1];
        $SecondtoFormat = $datearray[2];
        $MonthtoFormat = $datearray[3];
        $DaytoFormat = $datearray[4] - $days ;
        $YeartoFormat = $datearray[5];

        $UnixTimeNow = GetUnixTimeNow();
        if ($days == 1) {
                $DaytoFormat = $datearray[4];
        $StartTimeUnix = GetTimeUnix(0, 0, 0, $MonthtoFormat, $DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat, 0, 0 , 0);
        $sql_result = "select id_ads,id_catg,title,ads_desc,imageads,curr,price,submitter,email,website,dateposted,hits from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads";
        $sql_result .= " where (dateposted > '".$StartTimeUnix."' and dateposted < '".$UnixTimeNow."') ";

        $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();

        $sql_result .= "and".$applylanguage;
        $sql_result .= "and active='1' order by dateposted DESC";

                 $resulttotalads = sql_query($sql_result,$dbi);

        $totalads = sql_num_rows($resulttotalads);
        if ($totalads > 0) {
                $pre = (($page-1) * $PerPage) + 1;
                if ($pre < 0) {
                        $pre = 1;
                $suf = ($pre-1) + $PerPage;
                if ($suf >= $totalads) {
                        $suf = $totalads;
                echo "<CENTER>\n"
                        ."<b>".$totalads."</b> "._NUKECADSFOUND." ";
                if (($days == 1) || ($days == 2)) {
                        echo "For ";
                        if ($days == 1) {
                                echo _TODAY;
                        } else {
                                echo _YESTERDAY;
                } else {
                        echo _NUKECFORLAST." <b>".$days."</b> "._NUKECADSDAYS." <BR>( "._NUKECFROM." <b>".FormatDateAds($StartTimeUnix,0)."</b> - <b>".FormatDateAds($UnixTimeNow,0)."</b> )";
                echo "<BR>"._NUKECVIEWING." <b>".$pre."</b> - <b>".$suf."</b> (<b>".$totalads."</b> "._NUKECTOTAL.")</center>";
                $totalpages = ceil($totalads/$PerPage);
                if (!$page) {
                        $page = 1;
                $start = ($page - 1) * $PerPage;
                $sql_result .= " limit ".$start.",".$PerPage;

                if ($totalpages >= 2) {
                        echo "<BR><center>";
                        echo "[ ";
                        $back = $page - 1;
                        if ($back >= 1 ) {
                                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=viewads&days=".$days."&page=".$back."\" class=\"content\"><< "._NUKECPREVIOUS."</a>&nbsp;| ";
                        for ($i = 1;$i <= $totalpages;$i++) {
                                if ($page == $i) {
                                        echo "<b>".$page."</b>";
                                } else {
                                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=viewads&days=".$days."&page=".$i."\" class=\"content\">".$i."</a>";
                                if ($i != $totalpages) {
                                echo " | ";
                        $next = $page + 1;
                        if ($next <= $totalpages) {
                                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=viewads&days=".$days."&page=".$next."\" class=\"content\">"._NUKECNEXT." >></a>";
                        echo " ]";
                        echo "</center>";
                echo "<BR>";
                $j = 0;
                $resultads = sql_query($sql_result,$dbi);
                while (list($id_ads,$id_catg,$title,$ads_desc,$imageads,$curr,$price,$submitter,$email,$website,$dateposted,$hits) = sql_fetch_row($resultads,$dbi)) {
                        themeads ($id_ads,$id_catg,$title,$ads_desc,$imageads,$curr,$price,$submitter,$email,$website,$dateposted,$hits);
                        echo "<BR>";

                if ($totalpages >= 2) {
                        echo "<center>";
                        echo "[ ";
                        $back2 = $page - 1;
                        if ($back2 >= 1 ) {
                                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=viewads&days=".$days."&page=".$back2."\" class=\"content\"><< "._NUKECPREVIOUS."</a>&nbsp;";
                        for ($i = 1;$i <= $totalpages;$i++) {
                                if ($page == $i) {
                                        echo "<b>".$page."</b>";
                                } else {
                                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=viewads&days=".$days."&page=".$i."\" class=\"content\">$i</a>";
                                if ($i != $totalpages) {
                                echo " | ";
                        $next = $page + 1;
                        if ($next <= $totalpages) {
                                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=viewads&days=".$days."&page=".$next."\" class=\"content\">"._NUKECNEXT." >></a> ]";
                        echo "</center>";
        } else {
                echo "<CENTER><b>"._NUKECNOADSFOUND."</b></center>";
        include ("footer.php");

function MostPop() {
        global $PopAds,$HitsPopular,$page,$id_catg,$module_name,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$currentlang,$PerPage,$multilingual;
        echo "<BR>";
        if (($PerPage * $page) > $PopAds) {
                echo "<CENTER><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/getout.gif\" width=\"27\" height=\"27\" alt=\"\"><BR>\n"
        } else {
        $nowdate = date("Y-m-d");
        $sql_result = "select id_ads,id_catg,title,ads_desc,imageads,curr,price,submitter,email,website,dateposted,hits from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads";
        $sql_result .= " where active = '1' ";

        $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();
        $sql_result .= "and".$applylanguage;
        $sql_result .= " order by hits DESC";
        $resulttotalads = sql_query($sql_result,$dbi);
        if (!$resulttotalads) {
                echo mysql_error();
        $totalads = sql_num_rows($resulttotalads);
        if ($totalads > 0) {
                $pre = (($page-1) * $PerPage) + 1;
                if ($pre <= $totalads) {
                        $pre = $totalads;
                $suf = ($pre-1) + $PerPage;
                if ($suf >= $totalads) {
                        $suf = $totalads;

                echo "<CENTER><b>.:: ".$PopAds." "._NUKECMOSTPOPTITLE." ::.</b></center><BR>";
                if ($totalads > $PerPage) {
                        $totalpages = ceil($PopAds/$PerPage);
                } else {
                        $totalpage = 1;
                if (!$page) {
                        $page = 1;
                $start = ($page - 1) * $PerPage;

                $sql_result .= " limit ".$start.",".$PerPage;

                if ($totalpages >= 2) {
                        echo "<BR><center>";
                        echo "[ ";
                        $back = $page - 1;
                        if ($back >= 1 ) {
                                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop&page=".$back."\" class=\"content\"><< "._NUKECPREVIOUS."</a>&nbsp;| ";
                        for ($i = 1;$i <= $totalpages;$i++) {
                                if ($page == $i) {
                                        echo "<b>".$page."</b>";
                                } else {
                                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop&page=".$i."\" class=\"content\">".$i."</a>";
                                if ($i != $totalpages) {
                                echo " | ";
                        $next = $page + 1;
                        if ($next <= $totalpages) {
                                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop&page=".$next."\" class=\"content\">"._NUKECNEXT." >></a>";
                        echo " ]";
                        echo "</center>";
                echo "<BR>";
                $j = 0;
                $resultads = sql_query($sql_result,$dbi);
                while (list($id_ads,$id_catg,$title,$ads_desc,$imageads,$curr,$price,$submitter,$email,$website,$dateposted,$hits) = sql_fetch_row($resultads,$dbi)) {
                        themeads ($id_ads,$id_catg,$title,$ads_desc,$imageads,$curr,$price,$submitter,$email,$website,$dateposted,$hits);
                        echo "<BR>";

                if ($totalpages >= 2) {
                        echo "<center>";
                        echo "[ ";
                        $back2 = $page - 1;
                        if ($back2 >= 1 ) {
                                echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop&page=".$back2."\" class=\"content\"><< "._NUKECPREVIOUS."</a>&nbsp;";
                        for ($i = 1;$i <= $totalpages;$i++) {
                                if ($page == $i) {
                                        echo "<b>".$page."</b>";
                                } else {
                                        echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop&page=".$i."\" class=\"content\">".$i."</a>";
                                if ($i != $totalpages) {
                                echo " | ";
                        $next = $page + 1;
                        if ($next <= $totalpages) {
                                echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop&page=".$next."\" class=\"content\">"._NUKECNEXT." >></a> ]";
                        echo "</center>";
        } else {
                echo "<CENTER><b>"._NUKECNOADSFOUND."</b></center>";
        include ("footer.php");

function Disclaimer($no) {
        global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
        echo "<BR>";

        $re = sql_query("select title,content from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_disclaimer where no='".$no."'",$dbi);
        list($title,$content) = sql_fetch_row($re,$dbi);

        echo "\n"
                ."<font class=\"title\">".$title."</font><BR><BR>"
                ."<font class=\"content \">".$content."</font>"
                ."<BR><BR><a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:history.go(-1);\">"._NUKECGOBACK."</a>"


switch($op) {
        case "mostpop":MostPop();break;
        case "viewads": viewads($days);break;
        case "ViewCatg":ViewCatg();break;
        case "SubmitComment":SubmitComment($xid_ads,$commentby,$commsubject,$commentdesc);break;
        case "ViewDetail": ViewDetail($id_ads);break;
        case "Disclaimer":Disclaimer($no);break;
        default : Index(); break;


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Mesaj: 500+
Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 17:36:01    Mesaj konusu: Re: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

# Nuke-C : Advanced Classifieds Addon For PHP-Nuke
# ===============================================
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Sudirman (
# This file contains functions commonly used in NukeC module

/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System */
/* =========================== */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */

if (eregi("functions.php",$_SERVER['script_NAME'])) {
Header("Location: index.php");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));

function MenuNukeC($home=0) { /*1 = print link to home ; 0= dont print homelink*/
global $days,$user,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$module_name,$sitename,$bgcolor2,$bgcolor3,$bgcolor4,$MemberorNot;

global $id_catg,$multilingual,$currentlang;
echo "<CENTER><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/logo.gif\" alt=\"".$sitename."-".$module_name."\" vspace=\"10\"></a></center>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">";
echo "<TR >";
if ($home == 1) {
echo "<TD align=\"center\">\n"
."<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."\" class=\"bluelink\">\n"
."<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/adsmain.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECHOME."\" border=\"0\"></a>\n"
$postlink = "modules.php?name=".$module_name."&amp;file=postads";
if ($id_catg != "") {
$postlink .= "&amp;id_catg=".$id_catg;
echo "<TD align=\"center\">"
."<a href=\"$postlink\" class=\"bluelink\">\n"
."<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/postads.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECPOSTNEWADS."\" border=\"0\"></a>\n"
echo "<TD align=\"center\">\n"
."<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox\" class=\"bluelink\">\n"
."<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/adsbox.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECYOURADSBOX."\" border=\"0\"></a>\n"
echo "<TD align=\"center\">\n"
."<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=mostpop\" class=\"bluelink\">\n"
."<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/mostpop.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECMOSTPOP."\" border=\"0\"></a>\n"
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">";
echo "";
echo "<TR><form action=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&amp;op=viewads\" method=\"post\"><TD>";
echo "<b>"._NUKECVIEWADSFOR."</b> <select name=\"days\" onChange=\"submit();\">\n"
."<option value=\"1\" ";
if ($days == 1) echo "selected";
echo ">"._TODAY."</option>\n";
echo "<option value=\"3\" ";
if ($days == 3) echo "selected";

echo ">"._LAST3DAYS."</option>\n"
."<option value=\"5\" ";
if ($days == 5) echo "selected";

echo ">"._LAST5DAYS."</option>\n"
."<option value=\"7\" ";
if ($days == 7) echo "selected";
echo ">"._LAST7DAYS."</option>\n"
."<option value=\"9\" ";
if ($days == 9) echo "selected";
echo ">"._LAST9DAYS."</option>\n"
."<option value=\"14\" ";
if ($days == 14) echo "selected";

echo ">"._LAST14DAYS."</option>\n"
."</select> <input type=\"submit\" value=\""._NUKECVIEW."\">";
echo "</td></tr><TR></form>\n"
." <input type=\"submit\" value=\""._NUKECSEARCH."\"> [ <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=search&op=adv_search\">"._."</a> ]</td></form>"
$sqldisc = "select no from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_disclaimer";
if ($multilingual) {
$sqldisc .= " where language='".$currentlang."'";
} else {
$sqldisc .= " where language=''";
$re = sql_query($sqldisc,$dbi);
if (sql_num_rows($re) > 0) {
list ($no) = sql_fetch_row($re);
echo "<BR><CENTER>"._NUKECAGREE1."<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=Disclaimer&no=".$no."\">"._NUKECAGREE2."</a></CENTER>";

function printnotallowforanonymouse() {
echo "<center>"._NUKECNOTUSER1."<br>"

function printnotallowlimitreached() {
global $MaxAllowedAds,$module_name;
echo "<CENTER>"
."<font class=\"title\">"._NUKECADSBOXFULL."</font><BR><BR>"
."<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox\">"._NUKECGOTOADSBOX."</a>"

function getparent($parentid,$title) {
global $nukecprefix, $dbi;
$result = sql_query("select id_catg, catg, parentid from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$parentid."'", $dbi);
list($cid, $ptitle, $pparentid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi);
if ($ptitle!="") $title=$ptitle." &raquo; ".$title;
if ($pparentid!=0) {
return $title;

function FormatDateAdsShort($strDate){
$arrayfulldate = explode(" ",$strDate);

$Adob = explode ("-",$arrayfulldate[0]);
$newdob = $Adob[2];
if ($Adob[1] == 1)$month = _JANUARYSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 2)$month = _FEBRUARYSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 3)$month = _MARCHSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 4)$month = _APRILSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 5)$month = _MAYSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 6)$month = _JUNESHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 7)$month = _JULYSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 8)$month = _AUGUSTSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 9)$month = _SEPTEMBERSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 10)$month = _OCTOBERSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 11)$month = _NOVEMBERSHRT;
if ($Adob[1] == 12)$month = _DECEMBERSHRT;
$newdob = "$month"." ".$newdob.", ".$Adob[0];
return $newdob." ".$arrayfulldate[1];

function getcategoryname($id_catgtemp){
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$resultcatgname = sql_query("select catg from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$id_catgtemp."'",$dbi);
list($title) = sql_fetch_row($resultcatgname,$dbi);
return $title;

function getcategoryimage($id_catg){
global $module_name,$dbi,$nukecprefix,$currentlang;
$resultpic = sql_query("select image from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$id_catg."'",$dbi);
list ($catgpic) = sql_fetch_row($resultpic,$dbi);
return $catgpic;

function getchildcategories($id_catg) {
global $module_name,$dbi,$nukecprefix,$currentlang;
$child_categories = sql_query("select id_catg from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where parentid = '".$id_catg."'",$dbi);
if (sql_num_rows($child_categories,$dbi) > 0) {
while ($child_categories_values = sql_fetch_array($child_categories,$dbi)) {
$childcatg = getchildcategories($child_categories_values['id_catg']).$child_categories_values['id_catg']."_".$childcatg;
} else {
$childcatg = $child_categories_values['id_catg'];
return $childcatg;

function countads_incategory($listchildx){
global $module_name,$dbi,$nukecprefix,$currentlang,$multilingual;
$NowUnixTime = GetUnixTimeNow();
$catg_array = explode("_",$listchildx);
$parent = $catg_array[0];
$sql_ads = "select count(*) as total from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where ";

if ($multilingual) {
$where .= " language='".$currentlang."' and ";
$jml = sizeof($catg_array) - 1;
if ($jml > 1) {
$where .= "(";
$where .= " id_catg='".$parent."' ";
if ($jml > 1) {
$where .= " or ";
if ($jml > 1) {
$k = 0;
for ($i = 1;$i<= $jml;$i++) {
$where .= "id_catg='".$catg_array[$i]."' ";
if ($i != $jml) {
$where .= "or ";
if ($i == $jml) {
$where .= ")";
$where .= " and validuntil > '".$NowUnixTime."' and active = '1'";
$resultads = sql_query($sql_ads.$where,$dbi);
if (!$resultads) {
return "<BR>".$sql_ads.$where."<BR>".mysql_error();
} else {
$totalads = sql_fetch_array($resultads,$dbi);
//return $sql_ads.$where;
return $totalads['total'];

function themeads ($xid_ads,$xid_catg,$xtitle,$xads_desc,$ximageads,$curr,$xprice,$xsubmitter,$xemail,$xwebsite,$xdateposted,$xhits) {
global $session_id,$module_name,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$UseImgCatg ,$UploadPathRev,$CatgPathRev;
global $Price_Format_code,$Date_Format_code,$ListImgLocation;
$memberinfo = MemberInfo($xsubmitter);
if ($ximageads != "") {
$ximageads_thumb = getThumbName($ximageads);
$gbrsize = @getimagesize($UploadPathRev.$ximageads_thumb);
$gbr_width = $gbrsize[0];
$gbr_height = $gbrsize[1];
$img = "<img src=\"".$UploadPathRev.$ximageads."\" width=\"".$gbr_width."\" height=\"".$gbr_height."\"";
$img .= " alt=\"".$xtitle."\"";
if ($ListImgLocation == "LEFT") {
$img .= " align=\"left\"";
} elseif ($ListImgLocation == "RIGHT") {
$img .= " align=\"right\"";
$img .= ">";
if (($ListImgLocation == "UP") or ($ListImgLocation == "DOWN")) {
$img = "<CENTER>".$img."</CENTER>";

} elseif ($UseImgCatg) {
$sql = "select catg,image from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$xid_catg."'";
$rescatgimg = sql_query($sql,$dbi);

list($catg,$imagecatgsrc) = sql_fetch_row($rescatgimg,$dbi);
if ($imagecatgsrc != "") {
$imgdimension = @getimagesize($CatgPathRev.$imagecatgsrc);
if ($imgdimension) {
$imgcatgwidth = $imgdimension[0];
$imgcatgheight = $imgdimension[1];
$img = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$xid_catg."\" >";
$img .= "<img src=\"".$CatgPathRev.$imagecatgsrc."\" width=\"".$imgcatgwidth."\" height=\"".$imgcatgheight."\" alt=\"".$catg."\" border=\"0\"></a>";
$img .= "</a><BR><b>".$catg."</b>";
} else {
$img = "";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor2."\">\n";
echo "<tr > \n";
echo "<td height=\"8\" bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor2."\"> \n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
echo "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</td>\n"
."<TD><font color=\"".$adstitlecolor."\"><b>".$xtitle."</b><br>"._NUKECPOSTEDON." <b>".FormatDateAds($xdateposted,$Date_Format_code)."</b> "._NUKECBY." <b>".$memberinfo[username]."</b> </font></td>\n"
$imagemenu = "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">";
$imagemenu .= "<TR>";
if ($xsubmitter != 1) {
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&file=index&mode=post&u=".$xsubmitter."\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/contactbypv.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTSENDPV."\" width=\"25\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
if ($xemail != "") {
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=contact&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/contactbyemail.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECCONTACTBYMAIL."\" width=\"24\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewDetail&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/comment.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTCOMMENT."\" width=\"25\" height=\"26\"></A></td>";
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=SaveAds&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/hotlist.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTPUTINHOTADSBOX."\" width=\"22\" height=\"25\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=friend&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/friend.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTREFERTOFRIEND."\" width=\"34\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "</tr>";
$imagemenu .= "</table>";
echo "<div align=\"right\">".$imagemenu."</div>\n";
echo "</td>"

echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor1."\"> \n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\"> \n";

echo " <td height=\"18\" width=\"93%\">";

if ($ListImgLocation == "UP"){
echo "$img ";
if (($ListImgLocation != "UP") and ($ListImgLocation != "DOWN")) {
echo $img;
echo $xads_desc."\n";
if ($ListImgLocation == "DOWN") {
echo "<BR> $img";
if (($xprice != "") and ($xprice != 0)) {
echo "<BR><b>"._NUKECADSPRICE."</b> : ".formatPrice($curr,$xprice,$Price_Format_code);
echo "</td>\n";

echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td height=\"18\" colspan=\"2\"> \n";
$ads_detail = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewDetail&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><b>"._NUKECVIEWDETAIL."</b></a>";
echo "<div align=\"center\">[ "._NUKECADSCATG." : <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$xid_catg."\"><b>".getcategoryname($xid_catg)."</b></a> ";
if ($xwebsite != "") {
echo "| "._NUKECADSURL." : <a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:;\" onmouseover=\"window.status='http://".$xwebsite."';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\" onClick=\"'http://".$xwebsite."','','toolbar=1,location=1,statusbar=1,resizable=yes,width=500,height=500');\"><b>".$xwebsite."</b></a> ";
echo "| <font class=\"whitetext\">".$xhits." \n";
echo ""._NUKECREAD."</font> | ".$ads_detail." ]</div>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";

function themeadsdetail ($xid_ads,$xid_catg,$xtitle,$xads_desc,$ximageads,$xcurr,$xprice,$xsubmitter,$xemail,$xwebsite,$xdateposted,$xvaliduntil,$xhits) {
global $SID,$usecatgimg,$module_name,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$admin;
global $UseImgCatg ,$UploadPathRev,$CatgPathRev,$user;
global $Price_Format_code,$Date_Format_code, $DetailsImglocation;
$memberinfo = MemberInfo($xsubmitter);
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor2."\">\n";
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor2."\"> \n";
echo "<td> \n";

echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
echo "<TR><TD width=\"10\">&nbsp;</td>\n"
."<TD><font class=\"content\"><b>".$xtitle."</b>";
if (is_admin($admin)) {
echo "<BR>[ <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30EditAds&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\">"._NUKECEDIT."</a> |
<a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30DeleteAds&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\">"._NUKECDELETECOMM."</a> ]";
echo "</td>\n"
$imagemenu = "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=0>";
$imagemenu .= "<TR><TD>";
if (($xsubmitter == 0) or ($xsubmitter == 1)) {
$imagemenu .= _NUKECANONYMOUS;
if ($xsubmitter != 1) {
$imagemenu .= "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&file=index&mode=post&u=".$xsubmitter."\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/contactbypv.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTSENDPV."\" width=\"25\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a>";
$imagemenu .= "</td>";
if ($xemail != "") {
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=contact&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/contactbyemail.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECCONTACTBYMAIL."\" width=\"24\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=SaveAds&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/hotlist.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTPUTINHOTADSBOX."\" width=\"22\" height=\"25\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=friend&id_ads=$xid_ads\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/friend.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTREFERTOFRIEND."\" width=\"34\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "</tr>";
$imagemenu .= "</table>";
echo "<div align=\"right\">".$imagemenu."</div>\n";
echo "</td>"

echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor1."\"> \n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\"> \n";
echo " <td height=\"18\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">";
if ($ximageads != "") {
$gbrsize = @getimagesize($UploadPathRev.$ximageads);
$gbr_width = $gbrsize[0];
$gbr_height = $gbrsize[1];
$img = "";
$img .= "<img src=\"".$UploadPathRev.$ximageads."\" width=\"".$gbr_width."\" height=\"".$gbr_height."\" alt=\"".$xtitle."\">";
$img .= "";

} elseif ($UseImgCatg) {
$sql = "select catg,image from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$xid_catg."'";
$rescatgimg = sql_query($sql,$dbi);

list($catg,$imagecatgsrc) = sql_fetch_row($rescatgimg,$dbi);
if ($imagecatgsrc != "") {
$imgdimension = @getimagesize($CatgPathRev.$imagecatgsrc);
if ($imgdimension) {
$imgcatgwidth = $imgdimension[0];
$imgcatgheight = $imgdimension[1];
$img = "";
$img .= "<img src=\"".$CatgPathRev.$imagecatgsrc."\" width=\"".$imgcatgwidth."\" height=\"".$imgcatgheight."\" alt=\"".$catg."\" border=\"0\"></a>";
$img .= "</a><BR><b>".$catg."</b>";
} else {
$img = "";
if ($DetailsImglocation == "UP") echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\">".$img."</TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR><TD>".$xads_desc."</td></tr>";
if ($DetailsImglocation == "DOWN") echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\">".$img."</TD></TR>\n";

echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECBY." </b>: ".$memberinfo[username]."</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECPOSTEDON." : </b>".FormatDateAds($xdateposted,$Date_Format_code)."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECEXPDON." :</b> ".FormatDateAds($xvaliduntil,$Date_Format_code)."</td></tr>";
if (($xprice != "") and ($xprice != 0)) {
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECADSPRICE." :</b> ".formatPrice($xcurr,$xprice,$Price_Format_code)."</td></tr>";
$daysremain = countremaindays($xvaliduntil);
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECDAYSREMAIN." :</b> ".$daysremain." "._NUKECADSDAYS."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECREAD." :</b> ".$xhits." "._NUKECREAD."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECADSCOMMENT." :</b>\n";

$rescomment = sql_query("select no_comment,commentby,subject,comment,hostname,date from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_comments where id_ads='".$xid_ads."'",$dbi);
$jmlcomment = sql_num_rows($rescomment,$dbi);
if ($jmlcomment > 0) {
$k = 0;
if (is_admin($admin)) {
$adm = 1;
while (list($xno_comment,$xcommentby,$xsubject,$xcomment,$xhostname,$xdate) = sql_fetch_row($rescomment)) {
$memberinfocomm = MemberInfo($xcommentby);
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
."<TR><TD width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><TD>"._NUKECBY." <b>".$memberinfocomm[uname]."</b> "._NUKECON." ".FormatDateAds($xdate,$Date_Format_code)." ";
echo "[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u=".$xsubmitter."\">"._NUKECUSERINFO."</a> | ";
echo " <a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&file=index&mode=post&u=".$xsubmitter."\">"._NUKECSENDMSG."</a> | IP : <b>".$xhostname."</b>] ";
if ($adm == 1) {
echo " [ <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30DeleteComment&amp;commentid=".$xno_comment."\" onClick=\"return confirm('"._NUKECDELETECOMMENTCONFIRM."');\">"._NUKECDELETECOMM."</a> ]";
echo "<BR></td></tr>"
."<TR><TD width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><TD><b>".$xsubject."</b></td></tr>"
."<TR><TD width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><TD>".$xcomment."</td></tr>"
if ($k != $jmlcomment) {
echo "<BR>";
} else {
echo "<BR> "._NUKECNOCOMMENT."";
echo "</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";
echo "</td>\n";

echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td height=\"18\" colspan=\"2\"> \n";
$ads_detail = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewDetail&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><b>"._NUKECVIEWDETAIL."</b></a>";
echo "<div align=\"center\">[ "._NUKECADSCATG." : <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$xid_catg."\"><b>".getcategoryname($xid_catg)."</b></a> ";
if ($xwebsite != "") {
echo "| "._NUKECADSURL." : <a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:;\" onmouseover=\"window.status='http://".$xwebsite."';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\" onClick=\"'http://".$xwebsite."','','toolbar=1,location=1,statusbar=1,resizable=yes,width=500,height=500');\"><b>".$xwebsite."</b></a> ";
echo " ]</div>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
echo "[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=SaveAds&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\">"._NUKECSAVE2ADSBOX."</a> ";
if ($xsubmitter != 1) {
echo " | ".PrivMsgslink($xsubmitter);
if ($xemail != "") {
echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=contact&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\">"._NUKECCONTACTBYMAIL."</a>";
echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=friend&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\">"._NUKEREFER2FRIEND."</a>";
echo " ]";
echo "<BR>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";

function PrivMsgslink($MsgsDest) {
$PrivmsgsLink = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&file=index&mode=post&u=".$MsgsDest."\">"._NUKECSENDMSG."</a>";
return $PrivmsgsLink;

function savedadsdetail ($xid_save,$xid_ads,$xowner,$xid_catg,$xtitle,$xads_desc,$ximageads,$xcurr,$xprice,$xsubmitter,$xemail,$xwebsite,$xdateposted,$xvaliduntil) {
global $module_name,$bgcolor1,$bgcolor2,$bgcolor3,$nukecprefix,$dbi,$admin;
global $UseImgCatg ,$UploadPathRev,$CatgPathRev,$user;
global $Price_Format_code,$Date_Format_code;
$memberinfo = MemberInfo($xsubmitter);
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor2."\">\n";
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor2."\"> \n";
echo "<td height=\"8\" width=\"76%\" nowrap> \n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n";

echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td width=\"99%\" height=\"5\"><font class=\"whitetext\"><b>".$xtitle."\n";
echo "</font></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo " </table>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td height=\"8\" width=\"10%\"> \n";
$imagemenu = "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
$imagemenu .= "<TR>";
if ($xsubmitter != 1) {
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&file=index&mode=post&u=".$xsubmitter."\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/contactbypv.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTSENDPV."\" width=\"25\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
if ($xemail != "") {
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=Contact&id_ads=$xid_save\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/contactbyemail.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECCONTACTBYMAIL."\" width=\"24\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "<TD><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=SendToFriend&id_ads=$xid_save\"><img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/images/friend.gif\" alt=\""._NUKECALTREFERTOFRIEND."\" width=\"34\" height=\"25\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
$imagemenu .= "</tr>";
$imagemenu .= "</table>";
echo "<div align=\"right\">".$imagemenu."</div>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"".$bgcolor1."\"> \n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\"> \n";
echo " <td height=\"18\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">";

echo "<TR><TD>".$xads_desc."</td>";

if ($ximageads != "") {
$gbrsize = getimagesize("modules/".$module_name."/imageads/".$ximageads);
$gbr_width = $gbrsize[0];
$gbr_height = $gbrsize[1];

} elseif ($usecatgimg) {
$sql = "select catg,image from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$xid_catg."'";
$rescatgimg = sql_query($sql,$dbi);

list($catg,$imagecatgsrc) = sql_fetch_row($rescatgimg,$dbi);
if ($imagecatgsrc != "") {
$imgdimension = @getimagesize("modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imagecatgsrc);
if ($imgdimension) {
$imgcatgwidth = $imgdimension[0];
$imgcatgheight = $imgdimension[1];
$img = "<TD rowspan=\"8\" width=\"10%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$xid_catg."\" >";
$img .= "<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/imagecatg/".$imagecatgsrc."\" width=\"".$imgcatgwidth."\" height=\"".$imgcatgheight."\" alt=\"".$catg."\" border=\"0\"></a>";
$img .= "</a><BR><b>".$catg."</b></td>";
} else {
$img = "";
echo $img;

echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECBY." </b>: ".$memberinfo[uname]."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECPOSTEDON." : </b>".FormatDateAds($xdateposted,$Date_Format_code)."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECEXPDON." :</b> ".FormatDateAds($xvaliduntil,$Date_Format_code)."</td></tr>";
if (($xprice != "") and ($xprice != 0)) {
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECADSPRICE." :</b> ".formatPrice($xcurr,$xprice,$Price_Format_code)."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECADSCOMMENT." :</b>\n";

$rescomment = sql_query("select no_comment,commentby,subject,comment,hostname,date from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_comments where id_ads='".$xid_ads."'",$dbi);
$jmlcomment = sql_num_rows($rescomment,$dbi);
if ($jmlcomment > 0) {
$k = 0;
if (is_admin($admin)) {
$adm = 1;
while (list($xno_comment,$xcommentby,$xsubject,$xcomment,$xhostname,$xdate) = sql_fetch_row($rescomment)) {
$memberinfocomm = MemberInfo($xcommentby);
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
."<TR><TD width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><TD>"._NUKECBY." <b>".$memberinfocomm[uname]."</b> "._NUKECON." ".FormatDateAds($xdate,$Date_Format_code)." ";
echo "[ <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&uname=".$memberinfocomm[uname]."\">"._NUKECUSERINFO."</a> | ";
echo " <a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&file=reply&send=1&uname=".$memberinfocomm[uname]."\">"._NUKECSENDMSG."</a> | IP : <b>".$xhostname."</b> ] ";
if ($adm == 1) {
echo " [ <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30DeleteComment&amp;comment&amp;id_ads=$xno_comment\" onClick=\"return confirm('"._NUKECDELETECOMMENTCONFIRM."');\">"._NUKECDELETECOMM."</a> ]";
echo "<BR></td></tr>"
."<TR><TD width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><TD><b>".$xsubject."</b></td></tr>"
."<TR><TD width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><TD>".$xcomment."</td></tr>"
if ($k != $jmlcomment) {
echo "<BR>";
} else {
echo "<BR> "._NUKECNOCOMMENT."";
echo "</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";
echo "</td>\n";
if ($ximageads != "") {
$ads_img = "<img src=\"modules/".$module_name."/imageads/".$ximageads."\" width=\"".$gbr_width."\" height=\"".$gbr_height."\" alt=\"".$xtitle."\">";
echo "<td height=\"18\" width=\"7%\">".$ads_img."</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr> \n";
echo "<td height=\"18\" colspan=\"2\"> \n";
$ads_detail = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewDetail&id_ads=".$xid_ads."\"><b>"._NUKECVIEWDETAIL."</b></a>";
echo "<div align=\"center\">[ "._NUKECADSCATG." : <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewAds&id_catg=".$xid_catg."\"><b>".getcategoryname($xid_catg)."</b></a> ";
if ($xwebsite != "") {
echo "| "._NUKECADSURL." : <a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:;\" onmouseover=\"window.status='http://".$xwebsite."';return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status='';return true;\" onClick=\"'http://".$xwebsite."','','toolbar=1,location=1,statusbar=1,resizable=yes,width=500,height=500');\"><b>".$xwebsite."</b></a> ";
echo " ]</div>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<TR><TD align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
echo "[ ";
if ($xsubmitter != 1) {
echo "".PrivMsgslink($xsubmitter)." | ";
if ($xemail != "") {
echo " <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=Contact&id_ads=".$xid_save."\">"._NUKECCONTACTBYMAIL."</a> | ";
echo " <a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=adsbox&op=SendToFriend&id_ads=".$xid_save."\">"._NUKEREFER2FRIEND."</a>";
echo " ]";
echo "<BR>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";

function AdsInfo($xid_ads) {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$user_prefix;
$sql = "select * from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where id_ads='".$xid_ads."'";
$res = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
return $AdsInfo = sql_fetch_array($res,$dbi);

function MemberInfo($xuid) {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$user_prefix;
$sql = "select name,username from ".$user_prefix."_users where user_id='".$xuid."'";
$res = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
if (!$res) {
echo mysql_error();
return $memberinfo = sql_fetch_array($res,$dbi);

function pathcatg($id_catg){
global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$module_name;
if (($id_catg != "") || (isset($id_catg))) {
$resultpath = sql_query("select catg,parentid from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg=".$id_catg."", $dbi);
list($catg, $parentid)=sql_fetch_row($resultpath, $dbi);
$path = "<a href=modules.php?name=".$module_name.">"._NUKECMAIN."</a> &raquo; ".$path;
$path = "<b>".$path."</b>";
} else {
$path= "";
return $path;

function getparentlink($parentid,$title) {
global $nukecprefix, $dbi,$module_name;
$result=sql_query("select id_catg, catg, parentid from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg where id_catg='".$parentid."'", $dbi);
list($cid, $ptitle, $pparentid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi);
if ($ptitle!="") $title="<a href=modules.php?name=".$module_name."&file=index&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=".$cid.">".$ptitle."</a> &raquo; ".$title;
if ($pparentid!=0) {
return $title;

function countremaindays($valid_until) {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$nowdate = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
$enddate = strtotime(date("Y-m-d",$valid_until));
$sisa = ceil(($enddate-$nowdate)/86400);
return $sisa;

function datesub($enddate,$begindate) {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$sisa = ($enddate-$begindate)/86400;
return $sisa;

function GetCurrency($currencycode){
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$resultcurr = sql_query("select curr from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_currency where no='".$currencycode."'",$dbi);
list($currencyname) = sql_fetch_row($resultcurr,$dbi);
return $currencyname;

function formatPrice($currency,$valueprice,$formatcode) {
$currencyname = GetCurrency($currency);
if ((!$formatcode ) or ($formatcode == "")) {
$formatcode = 0;
if ($formatcode == 0) { /* e.g : US$ 1,234.56 */
$FormattedPrice = $currencyname." ".number_format($valueprice,2);
if ($formatcode == 1) { /* e.g : 1,234.56 US$ */
$FormattedPrice = number_format($valueprice,2)." ".$currencyname;
if ($formatcode == 2) { /* e.g : US$ 1 234,56*/
$FormattedPrice = $currencyname." ".number_format($valueprice,2,',',' ');
if ($formatcode == 3) { /* e.g : 1 234,56 US$ */
$FormattedPrice = number_format($valueprice,2,',',' ')." ".$currencyname;
if ($formatcode == 4) { /* e.g : US$ 1 234.56*/
$FormattedPrice = $currencyname." ".number_format($valueprice,2,'.',' ');
if ($formatcode == 5) { /* e.g : 1 234.56 US$ */
$FormattedPrice = number_format($valueprice,2,'.',' ')." ".$currencyname;
return $FormattedPrice;

function buildcurrency($sel = "") {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$rescurr = sql_query("select no,curr,country from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_currency",$dbi);
while (list($nocurr,$curr,$country) = sql_fetch_row($rescurr,$dbi)) {
echo "<option value=\"".$nocurr."\"";
if ($sel == $nocurr) {
echo " selected";
echo ">".$curr ."(".$country.")</option>\n";

function buildduration($sel = "") {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$resduration = sql_query("select id_duration, duration_value, duration_alias from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_duration order by duration_value",$dbi);
while (list ($id_duration ,$duration_value, $duration_alias ) = sql_fetch_row($resduration,$dbi)) {
echo "<option value=\"".$duration_value."\" ";
if ($sel == $duration_value) {
echo " selected";
echo ">".$duration_alias."</option>";

function NukeCAdminDone($msgid) {
global $adsbgcolor1,$adsbgcolor2,$adsbgcolor3;
include ("header.php");
echo "<BR>";
echo "<table width=\"95%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor1."\"><TR><TD bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor3."\">";
echo "<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\"><TR><TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor2."\">";

echo "<CENTER><font><b>";
switch($msgid) {
case "PreferencesSaved": echo _NUKECMSGPREFSAVED; break;
case "NewCatgDone": echo _NUKECMSGCATGADDED; break;
case "WaitingAdsDeleted": echo _NUKECWAITINGADSDELETED;break;
case "WaitingAdsPosted": echo _NUKECWAITINGADSPOSTED;break;
case "AdsDeleted": echo _NUKECADSDELETEDSUCC;break;
case "EditDone": echo _NUKECADSUPDATED;break;
case "CommentDeleted": echo _NUKECCOMMENTDELETED;break;
echo "</b></font></center>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
include ("footer.php");

function NukeCAdminMenu(){
global $adsbgcolor1, $adsbgcolor2, $adsbgcolor3,$adsbgcolor5;

$a = "<strong><BIG><b>&middot;</b></BIG></strong>";
echo "<table width=\"95%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor1."\"><TR><TD bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor3."\">";
echo "<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\"><TR><TD colspan=\"3\" bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor5."\" align=\"center\" >";
echo "<font class=\"title\"><A HREF=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30\"><b>"._NUKECADMINTITLE."</b></a></font><BR>\n";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<TR bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor2."\">
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30AdminCatg\"> "._NUKECADMINCATG."</a></TD>
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30AdminWaiting\"> "._NUKECADMINMAINTENANCEADS."</a></TD>
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30Setting\"> "._NUKECSETTING."</a></td>
<TR bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor2."\">
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30currency\"> "._NUKECADMINCURR."</a></TD>
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30Disclaimer\"> "._NUKECADMINDISCLAIM."</a></TD>
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30Doc\"> "._NUKECDOCUMENTATION."</a></td>
<TR bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor2."\">
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30AdsWordFilter\"> "._NUKECWORDFILTER."</a></TD>
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30AdsDuration\"> "._NUKECADSDURATION."</a></TD>
<TD>".$a." <a href=\"admin.php?op=NukeC30CustomContent\"> "._NUKECCUSTOMCONTENT."</a></td>
echo "</table>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";


function buildOptionSelectAllow($selectname,$valueradio,$JScript="",$Text1="",$Text2="") {
$selectopt = "<input ";
if ($JScript != "") {
$selectopt .= " ".$JScript;
$selectopt .= "type=\"radio\" value=\"1\" name=\"".$selectname."\"";
if (($valueradio == "") or ($valueradio == 1)) {
$selectopt .= " checked";

$selectopt .= ">";
if ($Text1 != "") {
$selectopt .= $Text1." ";
} else {
$selectopt .= "Allowed ";
$selectopt .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input ";
if ($JScript != "") {
$selectopt .= " ".$JScript;
$selectopt .= "type=\"radio\" value=\"0\" name=\"".$selectname."\"";
if ($valueradio == 0) {
$selectopt .= " checked";

$selectopt .= ">";
if ($Text2 != "") {
$selectopt .= $Text2." ";
} else {
$selectopt .= "Denied";
return $selectopt;

function getImgType() {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$sql = "select typeimg from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_imgtype where status='1'";
$resultimgtype = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
while (list ($typeimg) = sql_fetch_row($resultimgtype,$dbi)) {
$AdsImgType[] = $typeimg;
return $AdsImgType;

function sqlapplylanguage() {
global $multilingual,$currentlang;
if ($multilingual) {
$applylanguage = " language='".$currentlang."' ";
} else {
$applylanguage = " language='' ";
return $applylanguage;

function ShowCustomContent() {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi;
$sqlcustomcontent = "select custom_id, custom_title, content, weight, time from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_custom where active='1'";
$sqlapplylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();
$sqlcustomcontent .= " and ".$sqlapplylanguage." order by weight";
$resultcustomcontent = sql_query($sqlcustomcontent,$dbi);
if (!$resultcustomcontent) {
$jmlcustomcontent = sql_num_rows($resultcustomcontent);
if ($jmlcustomcontent > 0) {
$i = 0;
while (list($custom_id, $custom_title, $content, $weight, $time) = sql_fetch_row($resultcustomcontent,$dbi)) {
themeCustomContent($custom_id, $custom_title, $content, $weight, $time);
if ($i < $jmlcustomcontent - 1) {
echo "<BR>";
echo "<BR>";

function themeCustomContent($custom_id, $custom_title, $content, $weight, $time) {
global $adsbgcolor1,$adsbgcolor2,$adsbgcolor3,$adsbgcolor4,$adsbgcolor5;
echo "<Table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor1."\">\n"
."<TR><TD bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor2."\">\n";
echo "<Table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n"
."<TR><TD bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor5."\">\n";
echo "<b>".$custom_title."</b>";
echo "</td></tr>\n"
."<TR><TD bgcolor=\"".$adsbgcolor3."\"><i>"._NUKECLASTUPDATED." : ".$time."</i></td></tr>"

echo "</td></tr>\n"

function AllowedForPosting() {
global $nukecprefix,$dbi, $user,$MemberRequired, $MaxAllowedAds;
if (is_user($user) || ($MemberRequired != 1)){
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

function GetTimeUnix($currhour, $currminute, $currsecond, $currmonth, $currday, $curryear, $chgmonth, $chgday , $chgyear){
$mktimeUnix = mktime($currhour, $currminute, $currsecond, $currmonth + $chgmonth, $currday + $chgday, $curryear + $chgyear);
return $mktimeUnix;

function GetUnixTimeNow() {
$nowdatetmp = date("H i s m d Y");
$datearraytmp = explode (" ", $nowdatetmp);
return GetTimeUnix($datearraytmp[0],$datearraytmp[1],$datearraytmp[2],$datearraytmp[3],$datearraytmp[4],$datearraytmp[5],0,0,0);

function FormatStrMonthShort($monthvalue) {
if ($monthvalue == 1)$month = _JANUARYSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 2)$month = _FEBRUARYSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 3)$month = _MARCHSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 4)$month = _APRILSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 5)$month = _MAYSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 6)$month = _JUNESHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 7)$month = _JULYSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 8)$month = _AUGUSTSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 9)$month = _SEPTEMBERSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 10)$month = _OCTOBERSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 11)$month = _NOVEMBERSHRT;
if ($monthvalue == 12)$month = _DECEMBERSHRT;
return $month;

function FormatStrMonth($monthvalue) {
if ($monthvalue == 1)$month = _JANUARY;
if ($monthvalue == 2)$month = _FEBRUARY;
if ($monthvalue == 3)$month = _MARCH;
if ($monthvalue == 4)$month = _APRIL;
if ($monthvalue == 5)$month = _MAY;
if ($monthvalue == 6)$month = _JUNE;
if ($monthvalue == 7)$month = _JULY;
if ($monthvalue == 8)$month = _AUGUST;
if ($monthvalue == 9)$month = _SEPTEMBER;
if ($monthvalue == 10)$month = _OCTOBER;
if ($monthvalue == 11)$month = _NOVEMBER;
if ($monthvalue == 12)$month = _DECEMBER;
return $month;

function FormatDateAds($datetoformat,$formatcode) {
if ((!$formatcode) || ($formatcode == "")) {
$formatcode = 0;
$datetemp = date("H i s m d Y",$datetoformat);
$datearray = explode(" ",$datetemp);
$HourtoFormat = $datearray[0];
$MinutetoFormat = $datearray[1];
$SecondtoFormat = $datearray[2];
$MonthtoFormat = $datearray[3];
$DaytoFormat = $datearray[4];
$YeartoFormat = $datearray[5];

switch($formatcode) {
case 0 : return FormatDate0($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat);break;
case 1 : return FormatDate1($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat);break;
case 2 : return FormatDate2($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat);break;
case 3 : return FormatDate3($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat);break;
case 4 : return FormatDate4($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat);break;
case 5 : return FormatDate5($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat);break;

function FormatDate0($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat) {
/* sample : Jan 12, 2003 */
$monthstr = FormatStrMonthShort($MonthtoFormat);
return $monthstr." ". $DaytoFormat." ".$YeartoFormat;

function FormatDate1($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat) {
/* sample : HH:MM:SS Jan 12, 2003 */
$monthstr = FormatStrMonthShort($MonthtoFormat);
return $HourtoFormat.":".$MinutetoFormat.":".$SecondtoFormat." ".$monthstr." ". $DaytoFormat." ".$YeartoFormat;

function FormatDate2($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat) {
/* sample : January 12, 2003 */
$monthstr = FormatStrMonth($MonthtoFormat);
return $monthstr." ". $DaytoFormat." ".$YeartoFormat;

function FormatDate3($HourtoFormat,$MinutetoFormat, $SecondtoFormat, $MonthtoFormat,$DaytoFormat, $YeartoFormat) {
/* sample : HH:MM:SS January 12, 2003 */
$monthstr = FormatStrMonth($MonthtoFormat);
return $HourtoFormat.":".$MinutetoFormat.":".$SecondtoFormat." ".$monthstr." ". $DaytoFormat." ".$YeartoFormat;

function For
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Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder
Mesaj: 500+
Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 17:38:05    Mesaj konusu: Re: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

ilan eklede sayfa postads.php ye gidiyor normalde postads.php

global $prefix;
# Nuke-C : Advanced Classifieds Addon For PHP-Nuke
# ===============================================
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Sudirman (
# This module is to process ads postings

/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System                                          */
/* ===========================                                          */
/*                                                                        */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */

if (!eregi("modules.php", $_SERVER['script_NAME'])) {
    die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
include ("modules/".$module_name."/config.php");
include ("modules/".$module_name."/functions.php");

$index = 0;
function Index($id_catg="") {
   global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$folder_name, $module_name, $multilingual, $currentlang;
   global $AdsTitleLength, $AdsContentLength, $MemberRequired, $PostInMainCatg, $c o o k i e,$user, $UploadImg, $MaxAllowedAds;
   echo "<BR>";
      if (is_user($user) || ($MemberRequired == 0)) {
      if (is_user($user)) {
         $submitter = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">".$c o o k i e[1]."</a>";
         $submitteruid = $c o o k i e[0];
         $jmladsposted = AdsPostedByUser($submitteruid,0,0,0);
         if ($jmladsposted >= $MaxAllowedAds) {
            $NotAllowedByJml = 1;
         } else {
            $NotAllowedByJml = 0;
      } else {
         $submitter = $anonymous." [ <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">"._NUKECNEWUSER."</a> ]";
         $submitteruid = 1;
      if ($NotAllowedByJml) {
      } else {
      echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._NUKECPOSTNEWADS."</b></font><BR>"
         ."<font class=\"graytext\"><b><a href=\"modules.php?name=$module_name\">"._NUKECMAIN."</a>/"._NUKECPOSTNEWADS."</font></b></center><br>\n";
      echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&amp;file=postads\" method=\"post\">\n";
      echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submitteruid\" value=\"$submitteruid\">";
      echo "<font class=\"redtext\"><b>*</b> -> <b>"._NUKECREQUIRED."</b></font>";
      echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"1\">\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECYOURNAME."</b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td><td><font><b>";

      echo "$submitter</b></font></td></tr>\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\"><b>"._NUKECADSTITLE." (".$AdsTitleLength." "._NUKECADSMAXCHARS.")<font class=\"redtext\">*</font></b></td>"
         ."<td width=\"5\">:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"200\"></td></tr>\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECADSDESC ." <font class=\"redtext\">*</font> \n"
         ."<BR>(".$AdsContentLength." "._NUKECADSMAXCHARS.")</b></td><td width=\"5\" valign=\"top\">:</td>\n"
         ."<td><textarea name=\"cdesc\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"8\"></textarea></td></tr>\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\"><b>"._NUKECADSCATG." </b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td><td>\n"
         ."<select name=\"catgforprocess\">";
      $applylanguage = sqlapplylanguage();
      $sql = "select id_catg,catg,parentid from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_catg ";
      $sql .= "where ".$applylanguage;
      $sql .= " order by parentid,catg";
       $result2=sql_query($sql, $dbi);
       $i = 0;
      while(list($id_catg2, $ccatg2, $parentid2) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi)) {
          if ($parentid2!=0) $ccatg2=getparent($parentid2,$ccatg2);
          if ($postinmaincatg) {
            echo "<option value=\"$id_catg2\" ";
               if (($id_catg == $id_catg2) or ($id_catg == $parentid2)) {
                  if ($id_catg == $id_catg2) {
                     echo "selected";
                  if ($id_catg == $parentid2) {
                     if ($i == 0) {
                        echo "selected";
               echo ">$ccatg2</option>\n";
         } else {
            if ($parentid2 != 0) {
               echo "<option value=\"$id_catg2\" ";
               if (($id_catg == $id_catg2) or ($id_catg == $parentid2)) {
                  if ($id_catg == $id_catg2) {
                     echo "selected";
                  if ($id_catg == $parentid2) {
                     if ($i == 0) {
                        echo "selected";
               echo ">$ccatg2</option>\n";
      echo "</select>\n"
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECADSPRICE."</b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td>\n"
            ."<select name=\"AdsCurr\">";
      buildcurrency($sel = "");
         echo "</select>"
            ."<input type=\"text\" name=\"price\" size=\"15\"> "._NUKECCURRSAMPLE."</td></tr>\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECADSURL." </b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"website\" size=\"30\"> <i>"._NUKECEGURL."</i></td></tr>\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECADSEMAIL."</b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"25\"> <i>"._NUKECEGEMAIL."</i></td></tr>\n";
      echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKEADSPOSTFOR." </b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td><td>\n"
         ."<select name=\"postfor\">\n";
      echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
      if ($UploadImg) {
         echo "<tr><td width=\"25%\" valign=\"top\"><b>"._NUKECADSUPLOAD."</b></td><td width=\"5\">:</td>\n"
            ."<td><input type=\"file\" name=\"fileupload\" size=\"40\"></td></tr>\n";
      } else {
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fileupload\" value=\"\">";
      if ($multilingual) {
         echo "<TR><TD><b>"._NUKECLANGUAGE."</b></td><TD><b>:</b></td><TD>";
          echo "<select name=\"adslanguage\">\n";
         while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
             if (preg_match("/^lang\-(.+)\.php/", $file, $matches)) {
                 $langFound = $matches[1];
                 $languageslist .= "$langFound ";
         $languageslist = explode(" ", $languageslist);
         for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($languageslist); $i++) {
             if($languageslist[$i]!="") {
               echo "<option value=\"$languageslist[$i]\" ";
                if($languageslist[$i]==$currentlang) echo "selected";
                  echo ">".ucfirst($languageslist[$i])."</option>\n";
         echo "</select></td></tr>";
      } else {
         echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adslanguage\" value=\"\">\n";
      echo "<TR><TD colspan=\"3\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._NUKECSUBMIT."\"></td></tr>";
      echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"SubmitAds\">";
      echo "</form>";
      echo "</table>";
   } else {
      echo "<center><font class=\"title\">"._NUKECPOSTNEWADS."</font></center><BR>\n";

function SubmitAds($submitteruid,$title, $cdesc, $catgforprocess, $AdsCurr, $price, $website, $email, $postfor, $fileupload, $adslanguage, $fileupload, $fileupload_name, $fileupload_type, $fileupload_size) {
   global $nukecprefix,$dbi,$folder_name, $module_name, $multilingual, $currentlang;
   global $AdsTitleLength, $AdsContentLength, $MemberRequired, $PostInMainCatg, $c o o k i e, $user, $UploadImg,$Waiting;
   global $anonymous;
   global $UploadPath,$c o o k i e,$user,$DescLength,$UploadImg, $MaxImgSize, $MaxImgHeight, $MaxImgWidth,$MaxAllowedAds;
   if ($submitteruid != 1) {
      $jmladsposted = AdsPostedByUser($submitteruid,0,0,0);
      if ($jmladsposted >= $MaxAllowedAds) {
         $NotAllowedByJml = 1;
      } else {
         $NotAllowedByJml = 0;
      if ($NotAllowedByJml == 1) {
   if (is_user($user) || ($MemberRequired == 0)) {
      if ((!$title) || ($title == "") || (strlen($title) > $AdsTitleLength)) $errorTitle = 1;
      if ((!$cdesc) || ($cdesc == "") || (strlen($cdesc) > $AdsContentLength)) $errorCdesc = 1;
      if ($submitteruid == 1) {
         if ($email == "") {
            $erroremailanony = 1;
      if ($email != ""){
         if (!eregi("^[_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$",$email)) $errorEmail = 1;
      if ($UploadImg && ($fileupload != "") && ($fileupload != "none")) {
         $imageadstype = basename($fileupload_type);
         $UploadImageType = getImgType();

         if (!in_array($imageadstype,$UploadImageType)) $errorImageType = 1;
         if (($imageadstype != "jpeg") && ($imageadstype != "jpg") && ($imageadstype != "pjpeg")) {
            $ImageUkuran = @getimagesize($fileupload);
            if ($ImageUkuran) {
               if ($ImageUkuran[0] > $MaxImgWidth) {
                  $ErrorUkuranImage = 1;
                  $ErrorUkuranImageWidth = 1;
               if ($ImageUkuran[1] > $MaxImgHeight) {
                  $ErrorUkuranImage = 1;
                  $ErrorUkuranImageHeight = 1;
            } else {
               $ErrorUkuranImage = 1;
      if ($ErrorUkuranImage || $errorTitle || $errorCdesc || $errorPrice || $erroremailanony || $errorEmail || $errorImageSize || $errorImageDimension || $errorImageType) {
         include ("header.php");
         echo "<BR>";
         echo "<CENTER><FONT CLASS=\"title\">"._NUKECSUBMITERROR."</font></center><BR>";
         echo "<CENTER>";
         if ($errorTitle) {
            if ($title == "") {
               echo "<BR>"._NUKECERRORTITLE."<BR>";
            if (($title != "") && (strlen($title) > $TitleLength)) {
               echo "<BR>"._NUKECERRORCTITLEMAX." $TitleLength "._NUKECCHARS."<BR>";
         if ($errorCdesc) {
            if ($cdesc == "") {
               echo "<BR>"._NUKECERRORCDESCEMPTY."<BR>";
            if (($cdesc != "") && (strlen($cdesc) > $DescLength)) {
               echo "<BR>"._NUKECERRORCDESCMAX." $DescLength "._NUKECCHARS."<BR>";
         if ($erroremailanony) {
            echo "<BR>"._NUKECANONYEMAILREQ."<BR>";
         if ($errorEmail) {
            echo "<BR>"._NUKECERROREMAIL."<BR>";
         if ($errorImageSize) {
            echo "<BR>"._NUKECERRORMAXSIZEALLOWED." $UploadImageSize "._NUKECKB." <BR>";
         if ($ErrorUkuranImage) {
            echo "<BR>"._NUKECERRORMAXDIMENSION." $MaxImgHeight x $MaxImgWidth "._NUKECPIXEL." <BR>";
         if ($errorImageType) {
            echo "<BR><b>$imageadstype</b>"._NUKECALLOWEDFILETYPE.": ";
            for ($i = 0;$i<= sizeof($UploadImageType)-1;$i++) {
               echo "<b>'.".$UploadImageType[$i]."'</b>";
               if ($j != sizeof($UploadImageType)-1) {
                  echo ", ";
            echo "<BR>";
         echo "<BR><BR>"._NUKECPLEASEGOBACK."";
         echo "<BR><a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:history.go(-1);\"><< <b>"._NUKECGOBACK."</b></a>";
         echo "</center>";
      } else {
         $ads_title = FixQuotes(filter_text($title, "nohtml"));
         $ads_content = FixQuotes(nl2br(filter_text($cdesc)));
         $nowdate = date("H i s m d Y");
         $datearray = explode(" ",$nowdate);
         $currhour = $datearray[0];
         $currminute = $datearray[1];
         $currsecond = $datearray[2];
         $currmonth = $datearray[3];
         $currday = $datearray[4];
         $curryear = $datearray[5];
         $posted_on = GetTimeUnix($currhour, $currminute, $currsecond, $currmonth, $currday, $curryear, $chgmonth=0, $chgday=0 , $chgyear=0);
         if ($postfor == 0) {
            $validuntil = 0;
         } else {
            $validuntil = GetTimeUnix($currhour, $currminute, $currsecond, $currmonth, $currday, $curryear, $chgmonth=0, $chgday+$postfor , $chgyear=0);
         $price = FixQuotes(filter_text($price, "nohtml"));
         $resultnextidads = sql_query("select max(id_ads) as maxnumber from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads",$dbi);
         list ($nextidads) = sql_fetch_row($resultnextidads,$dbi);
         if ($fileupload != "") {
            $type = basename($fileupload_type);
            if (($type == "jpeg") || ($type == "jpg") || ($type == "pjpeg")) {
               $type= "jpeg";
            if ($type == "x-png") {
               $type = "png";
            $filename = $UploadPath."$nextidads.".$type;
            $filename_thumb = $UploadPath.$nextidads."_thumb.".$type;
            copy ($fileupload, $filename);
            copy ($fileupload, $filename_thumb);
            $imguploadname = $nextidads.".".$type;
            $imgsize = @getimagesize($fileupload);
            $imgwidth = $imgsize[0];
            $imgheight = $imgsize[1];
            include ("modules/".$module_name."/resize.php");
            global $ThumbToHeight,$ThumbToWidth,$ThumbHeight,$ThumbWidth,$MaxImgHeight,$MaxImgWidth;
            if ($ThumbToHeight) {
               if ($imgheight <= $ThumbHeight) {
                  $HeightToThumb = $imgheight;
                  $LargeHeight = $imgheight;
                  copy($imageupload, $filenamecopy_thumb);
               } else {
                  $HeightToThumb = $ThumbHeight;
                  if ($imgheight <= $MaxImgHeight) {
                     $LargeHeight = $imgheight;
                  } else {
                     $LargeHeight = $MaxImgHeight;
                     $thumb2 = new thumbnail($filename);
                     $thumb2 -> size_height($MaxImgHeight);
                  $thumb = new thumbnail($filename_thumb);
            } else {
               if ($imgwidth <= $ThumbWidth) {
                  $WidthToThumb = $imgwidth;
                  $LargeWidth = $imqwidth;
                  copy($imageupload, $filename_thumb);
               } else {
                  $WidthToThumb = $ThumbWidth;
                  if ($imgwidth <= $MaxImgWidth) {
                     $LargeWidth = $imgwidth;
                  } else {
                     $LargeWidth = $MaxImgWidth;
                     $thumb2 = new thumbnail($filename);
                     $thumb2 -> size_width($LargeWidth);
                  $thumb = new thumbnail($filename_thumb);
         } else {
            $imguploadname = "";
          if ($website != "") {
            $website = str_replace("http://","",$website);
         if ($Waiting) {
            $active = 0;
         } else {
            $active = 1;
         echo $sql = "insert into ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads values"
         $res = sql_query($sql,$dbi);
   } else {
      echo "<BR>";
      echo "<center><font class=\"title\">"._NUKECPOSTNEWADS."</font></center><BR>\n";

function Done($id_catg) {
   global $Waiting,$module_name,$nukecprefix,$dbi;
   echo "<BR>";
   echo "<center><font class=\"title\">";
   if ($Waiting == 1) {
   } else {
   echo "</font><BR>\n";
   echo "<BR><b>"._NUKECADSTHX."</b>";
   echo "<BR><BR>";
   if ($Waiting == 1) {
      $res = sql_query("select count(*) as ttl from ".$nukecprefix."_ads_ads where active = 0",$dbi);
      list ($jmlwaiting) = sql_fetch_row($res,$dbi);
   } else {
      echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=".$module_name."&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=$id_catg\">"._NUKECADSCLICKHERE."</a>";
   echo "</center>";

switch($op) {
   case "Done":Done($id_catg);break;
   case "SubmitAds": SubmitAds($submitteruid, $title, $cdesc, $catgforprocess, $AdsCurr, $price, $website, $email, $postfor, $fileupload, $adslanguage, $fileupload, $fileupload_name, $fileupload_type, $fileupload_size);break;
   default : Index($id_catg); break;


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Kayıt: Feb 29, 2008
Mesajlar: 79

MesajTarih: 2008-03-06, 17:40:31    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Bunun hakkında bilgim yok maalesef Sad

Verdiğin kodlarda link eklemeyle alakalı bir fonksiyon bulamadım. Diğer functions.php dosyasında olabilir belki...
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Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-07, 10:15:30    Mesaj konusu: Re: Youtube modülünde misafir ler yorum yapamasın.ama nasıl? Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
FUNCTİONS.PHP ye bakabilirmsin?
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Mesaj: 50+

Kayıt: Feb 29, 2008
Mesajlar: 79

MesajTarih: 2008-03-07, 16:31:49    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Bak arkadaşta öyle bir problem yok:

postads fonksiyonunu bu dosyada da bulamadım Sad
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Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-07, 16:45:59    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

site kimin acaba sanırım sorunu ocozmus ?
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Mesaj: 50+

Kayıt: Feb 29, 2008
Mesajlar: 79

MesajTarih: 2008-03-07, 17:09:26    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Bu arkadaş:

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Mesaj: 300+
Mesaj: 300+

Kayıt: Jan 02, 2007
Mesajlar: 407

MesajTarih: 2008-03-07, 19:09:56    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

juglanin :
site kimin acaba sanırım sorunu ocozmus ?

Arkadaşım ben Nukec yi aynen kurdum hiç bir değişiklik yapmış değilim kurduğum gibi duruyor hala dosyayı nuketur'ten indirdim istersen sende ordan alıp bir dene
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Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-08, 15:19:41    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Sanirm 2.0 i kurdunz?
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Mesaj: 500+
Mesaj: 500+

Kayıt: Dec 09, 2005
Mesajlar: 880

MesajTarih: 2008-03-09, 14:06:56    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

prens1 :
juglanin :
site kimin acaba sanırım sorunu ocozmus ?

Arkadaşım ben Nukec yi aynen kurdum hiç bir değişiklik yapmış değilim kurduğum gibi duruyor hala dosyayı nuketur'ten indirdim istersen sende ordan alıp bir dene
su indirdiginiz linki yazrmisiniz
?bende neden guestler ilan birakabiliyor cozemedim.
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