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Animasyon Modül Hatasi

Bu forum kilitlendi: mesaj gönderemez, cevap yazamaz ya da başlıkları değiştiremezsiniz   Bu başlık kilitlendi: mesajları değiştiremez ya da cevap yazamazsınız    Netopsiyon Online Forum Ana Sayfa -> Php-Nuke -> Php Nuke Modülleri
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Yazar Mesaj
Mesaj: 1+
Mesaj: 1+

Kayıt: Jun 10, 2005
Mesajlar: 13
Konum: almayna

MesajTarih: 2006-09-03, 01:31:46    Mesaj konusu: Animasyon Modül Hatasi Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/web126/html/modules/Animasyonlar/admin.php on line 30

bu hatayi modülden yönetim paneline gecmek isterken yapiyor..

ayni hatayi sarki_sozleri modülüde verdi simdi:

arama yaptim forumda am abu hataya iliskin bisi bulamadim..

isaret edilen admin.php yi buraya ekliyom:

# Webcix Animasyonlar Modülü #
# Web : #
# Email : #

if (!eregi("modules.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
die ();

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));

if (!is_admin($admin)) {
header("Location: $module_url");

if(!is_array($admin)) {
$admin_new = base64_decode($admin);
$admin_new = explode(":", $admin_new);
$aid = "$admin_new[0]";
} else {
$aid = "$admin_new[0]";

$f_result = mysql_query("SELECT radminsuper, radminarticle FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'");
list($radminsuper, $radminarticle) = mysql_fetch_row($f_result);

if ($radminsuper == 1 || $radminarticle == 1) {

if ($isset_theme == 1) {
$index = 2;
} else {
$index = 0;

$pagetitle .= " - " . _IO_ADMIN_TITLE;

function admin_header()
global $isset_theme, $admin_url, $module_url;
echo "<center>";
echo "[ <a href=\"$admin_url\">"._IO_ADMIN_TITLE."</a> ]&nbsp;";
if ($isset_theme == 0) {
echo "&nbsp;[ <a href=\"$module_url\">"._IO_N_MAIN."</a> ]&nbsp;";
echo "&nbsp;[ <a href=\"$admin_url&op=module_config\">"._IO_CONFIG."</a> ]&nbsp;";
echo "</center>";
echo "<br>";

function index()
global $io_db, $module_name, $allow_direct, $admin_url, $module_url;
echo "<b>"._IO_ADMIN_WAITING_TEXT."</b>";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT id, date, title, text, sender FROM ".$io_db['text_add']." ORDER BY id LIMIT 1");
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($numrows != 0) {
list($id, $date, $title, $text, $sender) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$text2 = stripslashes($text);
echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>";
echo "<form action=\"$admin_url\" method=\"post\">"
."<hr noshade size=\"1\"><br><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\">"
."<tr><td>"._IO_ADD_DATE." : </td><td>$date</td></tr>"
."<tr><td>"._IO_SENDER." : </td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"sender\" value=\"$sender\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"50\"></td></tr>"
."<tr><td>"._IO_TITLE." : </td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"$title\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"150\"></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>"._IO_TEXT." : </td><td><textarea name=\"text\" rows=\"20\" wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\">$text2</textarea></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ok_added_text\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._ADD."\"> - [ <a href=\"$admin_url&op=del_added_text&id=$id\">"._DELETE."</a> ]</td></tr></form>";
echo "</table><br><br>";
} else {
echo "<br><br><i>"._IO_NO_ADDED_TEXT."</i><br><br>";
echo "<a href=\"$module_url&op=write_text\">"._IO_ADD_NEW_TEXT."</a></center>";
if ($allow_direct == 0) {
$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT id, sid, uname, date, comments FROM ".$io_db['comment']." WHERE active='0' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1");
echo "<b>"._IO_WAITING_COMMENT."</b><br><br>";
if (mysql_num_rows($result1) == 1) {
list($id, $sid, $uname, $date, $comments) = mysql_fetch_row($result1);
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM ".$io_db['text']." WHERE id='$sid'");
list($title) = mysql_fetch_row($result2);
echo "<blockquote>";
echo "<b>"._IO_SENDER." :</b> <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&uname=$uname\">$uname</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>"._IO_ADD_DATE."</b> : $date<br>"
."<br><b>"._IO_ADDED_TEXT."</b> : <a href=\"$module_url&file=read&id=$sid\">$title</a>"
."[ <a href=\"$admin_url&op=del_comment&id=$id\">"._DELETE."</a> ]&nbsp;"
."&nbsp;[ <a href=\"$admin_url&op=ok_comment&id=$id\">"._IO_ADMIN_OK."</a> ]"
."<hr color=\"$bgcolor2\">"
."<b>"._IO_COMMENT."</b> : ".nl2br($comments)."";
echo "</blockquote>";
} else {
echo "<i>"._IO_WAITING_COMMENT."</i>";

function ok_added_text($id, $title, $text, $sender)
global $io_db, $admin_url;
$title = trim($title);
$sender = trim($sender);
if ($title != "" && $text != "" && $sender != "") {
$title = stripslashes(FixQuotes($title));
$text = stripslashes(FixQuotes($text));

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$io_db['text']." VALUES ('', now(), '$title', '$text', '$sender', '', '', '')");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$io_db['text_add']." WHERE id = $id");

header("Location: $admin_url");

function del_text($id_del)
global $io_db, $module_url;
if ($id_del != "" && is_numeric($id_del)) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$io_db['text']." WHERE id = $id_del");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$io_db['comment']." WHERE sid='$id_del'");
header("Location: $module_url");

function mod_text($id)
global $io_db, $module_url, $admin_url;
if ($id != "" && is_numeric($id)) {
include ('header.php');
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id, date, title, text, sender, hits, voter, vote FROM ".$io_db['text']." WHERE id = $id");
list($id, $date, $title, $text, $sender, $hits, $voter, $vote) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$admin_url\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"mod_text_end\">"
."<input type=hidden name=id value=$id>";
echo "<table border=\"0\">"
."<tr><td width=100><b>"._RDATE."</b></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=date SIZE=15 VALUE=\"$date\" MAXLENGTH=10></td></tr>"
."<tr><td width=100><b>"._REVIEWER."</b></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=sender SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=40 value=\"$sender\"></td></tr>"
."<tr><td width=100><b>"._RTITLE."</b></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=title SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50 value=\"$title\"></td></tr>"
."<tr><td width=100><b>"._RTEXT."</b></td><td><TEXTAREA class=textbox name=text rows=30 wrap=virtual cols=50>$text</TEXTAREA></td></tr>"
."<tr><td width=100><b>"._IO_TOTAL_VOTE."</b></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=voter value=\"$voter\" size=6 maxlength=6></td></tr>"
."<tr><td width=100><b>"._IO_TOTAL_POINT."</b></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=vote value=\"$vote\" size=6 maxlength=6></td></tr>"
." <tr><td width=100><b>"._HITS.":</b></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=hits value=\"$hits\" size=6 maxlength=6></td></tr></TABLE>"
."<br><input type=submit value=\""._IO_SAVE."\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=button onClick=history.go(-1) value="._CANCEL."></form>";
} else {
header("Location: $module_url");

function mod_text_end($id, $date, $title, $text, $sender, $voter, $vote, $hits)
global $module_name, $io_db, $module_url, $admin_url;

if ($id != "" && is_numeric($id) && $date != "" && $title != "" && $text != "" && $sender != "" && is_numeric($voter) && is_numeric($vote) && is_numeric($hits)) {
$title = words2upper($title);

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE ".$io_db['text']." SET date='$date',title='$title',text='$text',sender='$sender',vote='$vote',voter='$voter',hits='$hits' WHERE id='$id'");
if ($result) {
echo "<center>"._IO_ADMIN_EDIT_THANKS."</center>";
} else{
echo "<center>"._IO_ADMIN_EDIT_FALSE."</center>";
} else {
echo "<center>"._IO_LESS_INFO."</center>";

function del_comment($id, $sid)
global $io_db, $module_url, $admin_url;
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$io_db['comment']." WHERE id='$id'");
if (isset($sid) && $sid != "") {
header("Location: $module_url&file=read&id=$sid");
} else {
header("Location: $admin_url");

function ok_comment($id)
global $io_db, $admin_url;
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$io_db['comment']." SET active='1' WHERE id='$id'");
header("Location: $admin_url");

function del_added_text($id)
global $io_db, $admin_url;
if ($id != "" && is_numeric($id)) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$io_db['text_add']." WHERE id='$id'") or die();
header("Location: $admin_url");

function module_config()
global $io_db, $admin_url, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor4, $module_name;
echo "<script src=\"modules/$module_name/includes/j a v a s c r i p t.js\"></script>";
$result_config = mysql_query("SELECT index_page_items, list_page_items, top_page_items, isset_theme, allow_anonymous, allow_direct, less_vote FROM ".$io_db['config']." WHERE sitename='isikonline'");
list($old_index_page_items, $old_list_page_items, $old_top_page_items, $old_isset_theme, $old_allow_anonymous, $old_allow_direct, $old_less_vote) = mysql_fetch_row($result_config);
echo "<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\" width=\"400\">\n"
."<form action=\"$admin_url\" method=\"post\">\n"
."<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" height=\"25\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\"><font class=\"title\">"._IO_CONFIG."</font></td></tr>\n"
."<tr><td height=\"20\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"new_index_page_items\" value=\"$old_index_page_items\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"2\"></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\">"._IO_INDEX_PAGE_ITEMS."</td></tr>\n"
."<tr><td height=\"20\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"new_list_page_items\" value=\"$old_list_page_items\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"2\"></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\">"._IO_LIST_PAGE_ITEMS."</td></tr>\n"
."<tr><td height=\"20\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"new_top_page_items\" value=\"$old_top_page_items\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"2\"></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\">"._IO_TOP_PAGE_ITEMS."</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><select name=\"new_isset_theme\" size=\"2\">";
if ($old_isset_theme == 1) {
echo "<option value=\"1\" selected>"._YES."</option>"
."<option value=\"0\">"._NO."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"1\">"._YES."</option>"
."<option value=\"0\" selected>"._NO."</option>";
echo "</select></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\" valign=\"top\">"._IO_ISSET_THEME." - [ <a href=\"j a v a s c r i p t:open_help('modules/$module_name/docs/help.php?help_file_name=theme&help_file_title=Tema')\">Yard&yacute;m</a> ]</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><select name=\"new_allow_anonymous\" size=\"2\">";
if ($old_allow_anonymous == 1) {
echo "<option value=\"1\" selected>"._YES."</option>"
."<option value=\"0\">"._NO."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"1\">"._YES."</option>"
."<option value=\"0\" selected>"._NO."</option>";
echo "</select></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\" valign=\"top\">"._IO_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS."</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><select name=\"new_allow_direct\" size=\"2\">";
if ($old_allow_direct == 1) {
echo "<option value=\"1\" selected>"._YES."</option>"
."<option value=\"0\">"._NO."</option>";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"1\">"._YES."</option>"
."<option value=\"0\" selected>"._NO."</option>";
echo "</select></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\" valign=\"top\">"._IO_ALLOW_DIRECT."</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td height=\"20\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"new_less_vote\" value=\"$old_less_vote\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"2\"></td><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\">"._IO_LESS_VOTE."</td></tr>\n"
."<tr><td colspan=\"2\" height=\"20\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor4\" style=\"border:1 solid $bgcolor2\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._IO_SAVE."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"module_config_end\"></tr>\n"

function module_config_end($new_index_page_items, $new_list_page_items, $new_top_page_items, $new_isset_theme, $new_allow_anonymous, $new_allow_direct, $new_less_vote)
global $io_db, $admin_url, $module_url;
if ($new_index_page_items != "" && $new_list_page_items != "" && $new_top_page_items != "" && $new_isset_theme != "" && $new_allow_anonymous != "" && $new_allow_direct != "" && $new_less_vote != "" && is_numeric($new_index_page_items) && is_numeric($new_list_page_items) && is_numeric($new_top_page_items) && is_numeric($new_isset_theme) && is_numeric($new_allow_anonymous) && is_numeric($new_allow_direct) && is_numeric($new_less_vote) && $new_index_page_items < 100 && $new_list_page_items < 100 && $new_top_page_items < 100 && $new_isset_theme < 2 && $new_allow_anonymous < 2 && $new_allow_direct < 2 && $new_less_vote < 100 && $new_index_page_items > 0 && $new_list_page_items > 0 && $new_top_page_items > 0 && $new_isset_theme >= 0 && $new_allow_anonymous >= 0 && $new_allow_direct >= 0 && $new_less_vote > 0) {
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$io_db['config']." SET index_page_items='$new_index_page_items', list_page_items='$new_list_page_items', top_page_items='$new_top_page_items', isset_theme='$new_isset_theme', allow_anonymous='$new_allow_anonymous', allow_direct='$new_allow_direct', less_vote='$new_less_vote'") or die(_IO_QUERY_ERROR);
echo "<center>"._IO_CONFIG_UPDATE_OK."</center>";
} else {
echo "<center>"._IO_LESS_INFO."</center>";

switch ($op){

case module_config_end:
module_config_end($new_index_page_items, $new_list_page_items, $new_top_page_items, $new_isset_theme, $new_allow_anonymous, $new_allow_direct, $new_less_vote);

case module_config:

case del_added_text:

case ok_comment:

case del_comment:
del_comment($id, $sid);

case mod_text_end:
mod_text_end($id, $date, $title, $text, $sender, $voter, $vote, $hits);

case mod_text:

case del_text:


case ok_added_text:
ok_added_text($id, $title, $text, $sender);

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Kayıt: Jun 10, 2005
Mesajlar: 13
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MesajTarih: 2006-09-04, 21:31:13    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

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Yeni mesaj yok Ramazan Yaklaştı Block,Modül ? ugurekinci Php Nuke Blocklar 2 2010-07-10, 15:59:50 Son Mesajı Görüntüle
Yeni mesaj yok Emlak Modül ve Blockları Yaptırılacaktır gergernur Php Nuke Modülleri 8 2010-06-25, 12:58:44 Son Mesajı Görüntüle
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Yeni mesaj yok Resim_Galerisi resim yükleme hatasi!!! rache Php Nuke Sorunlarınız 10 2010-06-09, 23:07:57 Son Mesajı Görüntüle

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