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 Blok yapiminda nasil incl..
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 php Nuke Jquery Accessibl..
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Netopsiyon Online: Forums
Netopsiyon Online :: Başlık görüntüleniyor - Shout_Box_v8.5.2 blok sorunu
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Shout_Box_v8.5.2 blok sorunu

Bu forum kilitlendi: mesaj gönderemez, cevap yazamaz ya da başlıkları değiştiremezsiniz   Bu başlık kilitlendi: mesajları değiştiremez ya da cevap yazamazsınız    Netopsiyon Online Forum Ana Sayfa -> Php-Nuke -> Php Nuke Blocklar
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Yazar Mesaj
Mesaj: 1+
Mesaj: 1+

Kayıt: Dec 12, 2008
Mesajlar: 32

MesajTarih: 2008-12-12, 10:05:35    Mesaj konusu: Shout_Box_v8.5.2 blok sorunu Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

siteden indirmiş olduğum PHP-Nuke-7.9pached3.2 versiyonuna Shout_Box_v8.5.2 eklemeye calıştım ama sql sorgusunu yaptıramadım hata verdi aşağıdaki gibi

sitemde görünüyor admin de blok u da yükledim ama sohbet edilmiyor. soru ne ki?
SQL sorgunuzda bir hata varmış gibi gözüküyor.MySQL sunucu hata çıktısı,var ise,hatayı bulmanızda size yardımcı olabilir.

ERROR: Bilinmeyen noktalama işareti @ 1
STR: <?
SQL: <?php
// ==========================================
// PHP-NUKE: Shout Box
// ==========================
// Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Aric Bolf (SuperCat)
// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation
// ===========================================

// NOTES: When creating a new version, remember to alter the following areas:
// 1. Move ShoutBoxSQLPostInstall();

SQL sorgusu:

MySQL çıktısı:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<?php
// ==========================================
// PHP-NUKE: Shout Box
// ==' at line 1
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Tarih: 2024-06-26, 16:56:33    Mesaj konusu: Forum Arası Reklamlar

Başa dön

Kayıt: Jun 02, 2003
Mesajlar: 1842
Konum: Istanbul

MesajTarih: 2008-12-12, 13:12:26    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Bu bir sql sorgusu değil, php dosyasının içi gibi görünüyor.
phpmyadminden sorgulatılacak olan shout_box sorgusu şöyle bir şey olmalı.


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_manage_count;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_manage_count (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   admin varchar(25) NOT NULL,
   aCount varchar(5) default '10' NOT NULL,

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_sticky;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_sticky (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   comment text NOT NULL,
   timestamp varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   stickySlot varchar(5) NOT NULL,

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_theme_images;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_theme_images (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   themeName varchar(50),
   blockArrowColor varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   blockBackgroundImage varchar(50) NOT NULL,

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_themes;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_themes (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   themeName varchar(50),
   blockColor1 varchar(20),
   blockColor2 varchar(20),
   border varchar(20),
   menuColor1 varchar(20),
   menuColor2 varchar(20),

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_version;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_version (
   id int(5) NOT NULL,
   version varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   datechecked varchar(2) NOT NULL,
   versionreported varchar(10) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_version (id, version, datechecked, versionreported) VALUES (1,'8.5',0,0);

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_conf;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_conf (
   id int(9) NOT NULL,
   color1 varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   color2 varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   date varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   time varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   number varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   ipblock varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   nameblock varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   censor varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   tablewidth varchar(3) NOT NULL,
   urlonoff varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   delyourlastpost varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   anonymouspost varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   height varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   themecolors varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   textWidth varchar(4) NOT NULL,
   nameWidth varchar(4) NOT NULL,
   smiliesPerRow varchar(4) NOT NULL,
   reversePosts varchar(4) NOT NULL,
   timeOffset varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   urlanononoff varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   pointspershout varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   shoutsperpage varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   serverTimezone varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   blockxxx varchar(5) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_conf (id, color1, color2, date, time, number, ipblock, nameblock, censor, tablewidth, urlonoff, delyourlastpost, anonymouspost, height, themecolors, textWidth, nameWidth, smiliesPerRow, reversePosts, timeOffset, urlanononoff, pointspershout, shoutsperpage, serverTimezone, blockxxx) VALUES (1,'#EBEBEB','#FFFFFF' ,'yes' ,'yes','10','yes','yes','yes','150','yes','yes','yes','150','no','20','10','7','no','0','no','0','25','-6','yes');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_emoticons;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_emoticons (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   text varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   image varchar(70) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (1, ':D', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_biggrin.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (2, ':-D', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_biggrin.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (3, ':grin:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_biggrin.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (4, ':)', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_smile.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (5, ':-)', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_smile.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (6, ':smile:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_smile.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (7, ':(', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_sad.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (8, ':-(', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_sad.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (9, ':sad:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_sad.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (10, ':o', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_surprised.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (11, ':-o', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_surprised.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (12, ';)', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_wink.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (13, ';-)', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_wink.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (14, ':wink:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_wink.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (15, ':lol:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_lol.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (16, 'Shocked', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_eek.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (17, 'Shocked', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_eek.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (18, ':eek:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_eek.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (19, ':shock:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_eek.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (20, ':?', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_confused.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (21, ':-?', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_confused.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (22, ':S', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_confused.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (23, '8)', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_cool.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (24, '8-)', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_cool.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (25, ':x', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_mad.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (26, ':-x', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_mad.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (27, ':P', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_razz.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (28, ':-P', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_razz.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (29, ':razz:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_razz.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (30, ':oops:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_redface.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (31, ':redface:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_redface.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (32, ':cry:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_cry.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (33, ':evil:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_evil.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (34, ':twisted:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_twisted.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (35, ':roll:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_rolleyes.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (36, ':!:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_exclaim.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (37, ':exclaim:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_exclaim.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (38, ':?:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_question.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (39, ':question:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_question.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (40, ':idea:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_idea.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (41, ':arrow:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_arrow.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (42, ':|', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_neutral.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (43, ':-|', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_neutral.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (44, ':mrgreen:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/icon_mrgreen.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (45, ':shy:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/shy.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (46, ':dead:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/dead.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (47, ':embar:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/embar.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (48, ':bigrazz:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/bigrazz.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (49, ':yes:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/yes.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (50, ':no:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/no.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (51, ':uhoh:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/uhoh.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (52, ':upset:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/upset.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (53, ':sigh:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/sigh.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (54, 'zzz', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/sleep.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (55, ':sleep:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/sleep.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (56, ':confused:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/confused.gif>');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_emoticons VALUES (57, ':aua:', '<img src=images/blocks/shout_box/aua.gif>');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_ipblock;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_ipblock (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name varchar(50) NOT NULL,

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_nameblock;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_nameblock (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name varchar(50) NOT NULL,

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_censor;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_censor (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   text varchar(30) NOT NULL,
   replacement varchar(30) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('\@\$\$', 'butt');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('a\$\$', 'butt');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('anton', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('arse', 'butt');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('arsehole', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('ass', 'butt');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('ass muncher', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('asshole', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('asstooling', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('asswipe', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('b\!tch', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('b17ch', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('b1tch', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('bastard', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('beefcurtins', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('bi7ch', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('bitch', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('bitchy', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('boiolas', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('bollocks', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('breasts', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('brown nose', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('bugger', 'damn');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('butt pirate', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('c0ck', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cawk', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('chink', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('clitsaq', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cock', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cockbite', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cockgobbler', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cocksucker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cum', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('cunt', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dago', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('daygo', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dego', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dick', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dick wad', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dickhead', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dickweed', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('douchebag', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('dziwka', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('ekto', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('enculer', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('faen', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fag', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('faggot', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fart', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fatass', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('feg', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('felch', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('ficken', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fitta', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fitte', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('flikker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fok', '$#%!');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fuck', '$#%!');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fu\(k', '$#%!');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fucker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fucking', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fuckwit', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fuk', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fuking', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('futkretzn', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('fux0r', '$#%!');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('gook', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('h0r', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('handjob', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('helvete', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('honkey', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('hore', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('hump', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('injun', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kawk', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kike', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('knulle', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kraut', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kuk', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kuksuger', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kurac', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('kurwa', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('langer', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('masturbation', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('merd', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('motherfucker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('motherfuckingcocksucker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('mutherfucker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('nepesaurio', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('nigga', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('nigger', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('nonce', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('nutsack', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('one\-eyed\-trouser\-snake', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('penis', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('picka', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('pissant', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('pizda', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('politician', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('prick', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('puckface', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('pule', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('pussy', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('puta', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('puto', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('rimjob', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('rubber', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('scheisse', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('schlampe', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('schlong', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('screw', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('shit', '****');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('shiteater', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('shiz', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('skribz', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('skurwysyn', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('slut', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('spermburper', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('spic', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('spierdalaj', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('splooge', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('spunk', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('tatas', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('tits', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('toss the salad', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('twat', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('unclefucker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('vagina', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('vittu', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('votze', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wank', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wanka', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wanker', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wankers', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wankstain', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('whore', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wichser', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('wop', '[censored]');
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_censor (text, replacement) VALUES ('yed', '[censored]');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_date;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_date (
   id int(5) NOT NULL,
   date varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   time varchar(10) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_date (id, date, time) VALUES (1,'d-m-Y','g:i:a');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_shoutbox_shouts;
CREATE TABLE nuke_shoutbox_shouts (
   id int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   comment text NOT NULL,
   date varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   time varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   ip varchar(39),
   timestamp varchar(20) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO nuke_shoutbox_shouts (name, comment, date, time, ip, timestamp) VALUES ('','Thank You for trying this out!','8-6-05','24:00','noip','1102320000');

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Mesaj: 1+

Kayıt: Dec 12, 2008
Mesajlar: 32

MesajTarih: 2008-12-13, 00:31:41    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Bankocu sizin verdiğiniz sorguyu yaptım çalıştı ama gülücükler den bazıları çıkmıyo ona ne gibi çözüm yaratabilirsiniz.
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Mesaj: 300+
Mesaj: 300+

Kayıt: Oct 14, 2008
Mesajlar: 328

MesajTarih: 2008-12-13, 01:02:55    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

ftp gülücükleri kompile sil yeniden yükle oda olmasa cıkmayan gülücüklerin orjinal gif lerini kopyalayip ftp kendişn yarat kolay gelsin
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Mesaj: 1+
Mesaj: 1+

Kayıt: Dec 12, 2008
Mesajlar: 32

MesajTarih: 2008-12-13, 01:11:38    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

bir sorun daha meydana geldi aslında sımdı yukarıda olan bloklar var ya onlardan biraz daha fazla cıkıntı var buda tabi sitenin görüntüsünü kaydırıyor onu nasıl düzeltebilirim acaba
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Mesaj: 100+
Mesaj: 100+

Kayıt: Mar 19, 2008
Mesajlar: 149

MesajTarih: 2008-12-13, 01:22:05    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

admın panelinden shoutbox ayarlarını bı kontrol et.
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Mesaj: 1+
Mesaj: 1+

Kayıt: Dec 12, 2008
Mesajlar: 32

MesajTarih: 2008-12-13, 01:30:13    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

oluyor ama aşağı yukarı oluyo admin den ama sağa sola uzayıp kısalmıyor, YARDIM
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Mesaj: 300+
Mesaj: 300+

Kayıt: Oct 14, 2008
Mesajlar: 328

MesajTarih: 2008-12-13, 23:15:24    Mesaj konusu: Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Merhaba shout_box yöenetiminden sorunu giderebilirsin 6 tane tema mevcut bunları kulan beyenmediysen ftp ki modül shout_box temalarında kendi göz zefkine göre resimle düzünleyebilirsin kolay gelsin ebadınıda kücültebilirsin Rolling Eyes
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Tarih: 2024-06-26, 16:56:35    Mesaj konusu: Forum Arası Reklamlar

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Başlık Yazar Forum Cevaplar Tarih
Yeni mesaj yok Mavimsn_C46 temasına haber ekleme sorunu anzerhoneybee Php Nuke Tema Paylaşımları 1 2010-07-19, 01:30:20 Son Mesajı Görüntüle
Yeni mesaj yok Blok yapiminda nasil include yapabili... Diverman Php Nuke Blocklar 3 2010-07-12, 21:30:07 Son Mesajı Görüntüle
Yeni mesaj yok Resimli Menü Block Sorunu populerdeli Php Nuke Sorunlarınız 9 2010-07-11, 18:59:34 Son Mesajı Görüntüle
Yeni mesaj yok Yeni Üyelik Aktivasyon Linki Sorunu P... hakan10 Php Nuke Modülleri 6 2010-07-11, 03:49:50 Son Mesajı Görüntüle
Yeni mesaj yok Center Block Sorunu populerdeli Php Nuke Sorunlarınız 3 2010-07-09, 22:39:27 Son Mesajı Görüntüle

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