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Dynamic Keywords Hakkında.. YARDIM

Bu forum kilitlendi: mesaj gönderemez, cevap yazamaz ya da başlıkları değiştiremezsiniz   Bu başlık kilitlendi: mesajları değiştiremez ya da cevap yazamazsınız    Netopsiyon Online Forum Ana Sayfa -> Php-Nuke -> Php Nuke Sorunlarınız
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Kayıt: Apr 09, 2007
Mesajlar: 134

MesajTarih: 2009-01-26, 20:33:26    Mesaj konusu: Dynamic Keywords Hakkında.. YARDIM Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

merhaba arkadaşlar siteme Dynamic Keywords yükledim ama bu sefeerde sitede hatalı bi sayfaya girmiş gibi hatalı oluyor.. m e t a.php den kaynak olduıgunu düşündügüm sorun hakkında aşağıdaki yaziyi buldum.. bu konu hakkında YARDIM edermisiniz...

NOTE: have been tested on PHP-Nuke 7.6 and PHP-Nuke 7.7, Standard and patched as well as RavenNuke 2.10 and superior versions, but it should work just fine with any other system. If you found this addon running with no issues on any other distrubution fell free to contact me and will add it to the list.


Have Dynamic Keywords working is as simple as:

Upload your files in the given order (modules to modules, includes to includes, images to images).
After you have uploaded all related files you should run the installer to install (forgive the repetition) the database tables needed for this addon to properly work.
Just for security reasons, when the installer completes you must remove it from your server.
Fine... Now its time to make a simple file modification (Take a look at the EXTRA folder in the downloaded package for premodified m e t a.php files for RavenNuke and Standard PHP-Nuke, if you do so then skip to step 5)
Open file /includes/m e t a.php

// Get functions global $sitename, $slogan; $ThemeSel = get_theme();

And add before it:
// Dynamic Keywords generation @include_once('includes/dynamic_keywords.php');

On RavenNuke could be like this:
// Dynamic Keywords generation @include_once(NUKE_INCLUDE_DIR.'dynamic_keywords.php');

So it looks like this:
// Dynamic Keywords generation @include_once('includes/dynamic_keywords.php'); // Get functions global $sitename, $slogan; $ThemeSel = get_theme();

In the same file find and comment out:
$metastring .= "<m e t a NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="News, news, New, new,...">n";

So it looks like this:
//$metastring .= "<m e t a NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="News, news, New, new,...">n";

Add after it:
$metastring .= "<m e t a NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="" . getkeywords() . "" />n";

For RavenNuke:
$metastring .= '<m e t a name="KEYWORDS" content="' . getkeywords() . '" />'."n";

In the same file find and comment out:
$metastring .= "<m e t a NAME="DEscriptION" CONTENT="$slogan">n";

So it looks like this:
//$metastring .= "<m e t a NAME="DEscriptION" CONTENT="$slogan">n";

Add after it:
$metastring .= "<m e t a NAME="DEscriptION" CONTENT="" . getdescription() . "" />n";

For RavenNuke:
$metastring .= '<m e t a name="DEscriptION" content="' . getdescription() . '" />'."n";

That's it now you can access your admin panel and look for the Dynamic Keywords icon and start playing with your site keywords. Search engines will love your site.


1. Dynamic Keywords module should not be activated, in case that Dynamic Keywords does not appear in your admin panel the you can try activating (but making it invisible) this module.

2. If the module is active and a normal user try to access then he will be redirected to the homepage.

3. If an admin try to access the module they would get a warning message advising of the things mentioned above and will be redirected to the Dynamic Keywords admin section.

4. If you are updating from alpha version is mandatory for you to remove dynamic keywords files from admin folder. Those are: file /admin/case/case.metaconfig.php, as well as folder /admin/language/keywords, file /admin/links/links.metaconfig.php and file /admin/modules/metaconfig.php

Best Regards
Mr. Jonathan Estrella

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All Right Reserved.
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Tarih: 2024-06-26, 10:19:32    Mesaj konusu: Forum Arası Reklamlar

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